Words does carry power, doesn't it? Otherwise you won't keep calling names


送交者: AQuestion 于 2006-2-03, 00:24:27:

回答: Old dog cannot learn new tricks. You just can't learn, can you? 由 steven 于 2006-2-02, 23:34:20:

and ridiculing others.

I have no interest to read your long paragraph you copied
from your bible.

Chinese government didn't throw that Li Datong into jail
either, however by your standard, Chinese government violated "freedom of speech".

What is it about putting words into others' mouth. The
setup of that webpage allows anyone to edit it, that is
why he can go to there to edit again and again in the
first place. That webpage is not meant to be any specific
person's "words". Obviously anyone can edit that page,
but only certain opinion will be kept.

I am sorry, I don't want to your long preach. But you
certainly have rights to post your long garbage.

I just want to focus on our previous argument:

Can any individual's opinion do harm to others?
This is relevant, because you said Chinese government
should not repress Li Datong but you can ridicule
Xiong Lei and your reasoning is that, as an individual
you can not do harm by saying anything.

I think you have had enough name calling. Obviously
you do believe words do carry power and it CAN do harm
to others. You have more to learn more from the British,
they behaved like gentlemen even when they were selling
opium. Your "freedom" stuff isn't as bad as opium, at
least the name of it.



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