okay, you have to spoil my lunch.


送交者: steven 于 2006-1-19, 14:59:30:

回答: If he did make a fool, 由 xinku 于 2006-1-19, 13:35:44:

First, he specificially makes the point that the core of information age warfare is internet. That means it is important, and he at least should have learn a little bit of it. He ends up making a stupid claim that the US opened it up at 1993. This shows his is both ignorant and lazy. Those information isn't secretly gaurd, and he doesn't even check his source.

He also makes a claim that "而是伊拉克军事制度存在非常大的问题。伊拉克的师以上的指挥官全部被对方收买" Well, obviously, Saddam Hussin, his sons and some of those people on the cards and still at large are "师以上的指挥官." I don't see how 金一南少将 can make his conclusion. Beside the literal, he made another mistakes: Iraqi army had fought 8 years with Iran. If Iraqi army are so useless and corrupted, Iran would have win long time ago. Iran is much bigger than Iraq. The real reason some Iraqi military commanders defect upon receiving bribry is that they don't see how Iraq could have survived. They were there during the first Gulf war, and they have first hand experience what Allies firepower can do. Even without their defect, Iraq will still have lost. If you are a military planner, you cannot count on bibry. Typically those who can be paid are opportunitists, if they see the rest of Iraqis are in upper hand, they will for sure attack the Americans. They certainly know Saddam Hussein who called the names of those who opposed him in the national assembly and execute them. Don't you think they fear Saddam more than the Americans if they don't think Saddam will be irralevent?

Russian's war against Chechenya is not a good example. Russian military were generally demoralized, and ill trained due to lack of funding and the collaps of soviet union. Most of the Checken rebels were also in the Soviet military and they were trained the same way as the their opponents. Russian military were not well prepared for the conflict. And most of all, Russians are facing gurilla war, which means they don't know where their enemies are. Russian did exercise restrain, not to cause significant number of civilian casualties, like the American military. Besides, Russian didn't enjoy the same degree of superiority over their opponents like the Allies to Iraqis.

As for TOW missile in Iraqi cache, I don't know what 金一南少将 can use to backup his claim. However, unless there were hundreds of TOW, it won't make a difference. If there wer hundreds of them, certainly it would be on the news everywhere, and we'd never heard them. In fact, according to the DefendAmerica news, only one TOW were found in Iraqi weapon cache. So at most, Iraqi could use it to destroy one tank. I am not sure if that count for anything. Iraqi did use anti-tank missile. During the send storm, some Iraqis drove a pick-up truck and launched a TOW like missile at the American tanks. It was caught on CNN's tape. Of course, this desperate act didn't stop Saddam Hussein for falling.

Do you need more? I mean this 金一南少将 has obviously shown his brain, or lack of it. He is not a scholar, because he didn't show any scholarship in data collection and analysis. He picked up rumours here and there and bs his way through, pretty much like the rest chinese "scholars" exposted in this forums. It is a tragedy that this kind of "scholars" are all over China in different fields.



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