◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇ 斯巴达人简介(注:斯巴达人为密歇根州立大学象征) 方是民:学术道德警察 《MSU校友杂志》(MSU Alumni Magazine)2006年秋季刊   中国高等教育已被伪科学、造假和不端行为所困扰,直到有一位密歇根州立 大学(MSU)校友决定对此做一点事情。2000年,在圣地亚哥生活的1995年博士 方是民开始在其有关中国文化和文学的网站新语丝上揭露肇事者。这个网站逐渐 成为了为学术道德而战的旗舰,并受到媒体的广泛报道,其中包括国际期刊《科 学》和《自然》。“因为许多中国报刊都上网了,我能够轻易地获得中国的信 息,”以方舟子为笔名的方解释说,“我们至今已揭露了500多起案例。我想形 势正在好转。”在这些案例中,包括教授伪造履历,窃取别人的研究成果,剽窃 文章和书籍,有些还捏造研究成果。起初中国官方对此反应缓慢,反而去屏蔽是 民的网站。“但是现在中国政府至少承认确实有问题……并发布了几项规章,” 目前在北京担任科学作家和专栏作家的是民评论说。是民出生于福建省沿海小城 云霄,毕业于安徽合肥的中国科学技术大学(USTC)。该校当时有个绰号叫“美 国培训中心”(United States Training Center),因为其毕业生毕业后将到 美国深造。于是,是民选择了MSU,因为它的分子和细胞生物学很强。“而且, 宣传册上的校园风景照看上去很吸引人。”他补充说,“MSU对我来说就是一座 象牙塔。我在MSU的5年度过了我一生最美好的时光。我的导师扎卡里·伯顿博士 是个好老师、好朋友。”他和同学王朝晖一起在MSU创建了中文诗歌小组。1995年, MSU音乐博士生加里·纳什为是民的一首诗《最后的恋曲》谱曲。“我的朋友罗 舒冬在她的毕业演唱会上演唱了这首歌,”是民回忆说,“那是我在MSU最感自 豪的一刻。” SPARTAN PROFILES FANG SHI-MIN: ACADEMIC INTEGRITY COP Fall 2006 MSU Alumni Magazine Higher education in China has been beset by pseudoscience, fraud and misconduct, until an MSU alumnus decided to do something about it. Fang Shi-Min, Ph. D. ’95, living in San Diego in 2000, began exposing the offenders in his personal web site about Chinese culture and literature, New Threads (xys.org). The site eventually became the flagship in the fight for academic integrity and received widespread coverage from the media, including the international journals Science and Nature. “I could easily get information from China because many newspapers and magazines were online,” explains Fang, who used the pseudonym Fang Zhouzi. “We have exposed more than 500 cases so far. I think the situation is getting better.” Among them were professors who falsified resumes, who claimed credit for research they did not conduct, who plagiarized articles and books, and in some cases, who faked research. At first Chinese officials were slow to react, choosing instead to block Shi-Ming’s web site. “But now, the Chinese government at least admits there are problems . . . and has issued several regulations,” notes Shi-Ming, currently working in Beijing as a science writer and columnist. A native of Yunxiao, a coastal town in Fujian Province, Shi-Ming graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui Province, a school that was nicknamed “United States Training Center” because graduates pursued further degrees in the U.S. Accordingly, Shi-Ming chose MSU because of its strength in molecular and cell biology. “Also, the pictures of campus scenery in the brochures looked very attractive.” He adds, “MSU is an ivory tower to me. My five-year stay at MSU was the best time in my life. My mentor, Dr. Zachary Burton, is a good teacher and friend.” He and fellow student Zhaohui Wang co-founded a Chinese Poetry Group. In 1995, Gary Nash, a doctoral music student at MSU, composed a song based on one of his poems, The Last Love Song. “It was sung by my friend Shudong Luo at her graduation recital,” recalls Shi-Ming.“That’s one of my proudest moments at MSU.” (XYS20061207) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇