◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys3.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys-reader.org)◇◇   最后教寻正一条逻辑   ·方舟子·   寻正请我们不要怀疑他维护新语丝的诚意,且不说新语丝无需他来维护,我 才不管谁有无“维护新语丝的诚意”,我只在意谁实际上是否在损害新语丝的名 誉,这是两个不同的问题。寻正可以自以为刑事犯罪很正当,把新语丝网站上的 活动视为刑事犯罪是对新语丝的维护,但是被寻正视为法制完善国家中的刑事犯 罪分子的新语丝最核心的支持者不会因为其胡搅就相信寻正维护了他们的声誉。   Michael Newdow案的判决由3名法官(2:1)做出,因为舆论反响太大,做 出判决的法官决定暂缓执行,交巡回法庭的全体法官review。review的结果是支 持该判决。然后被告才上诉到最高法院翻案。这些细节如果不在当时关注该案报 道,像寻正这样靠现在临时抱佛脚是google不出来的。   “公开信”评的是一审结果,寻正说是想要影响二审及后续案件所以仍然属 于干涉司法,难道美国议员、媒体、公众对Newdow案的评论就不是在影响被告的 上诉及后续案件?自打嘴巴也没有打得这么快的,和疯和尚这样的弱智互相赏鉴 倒比较般配。   在审案件也不是不能评。即使是靠google当法学家,寻正也没有看明白。看 看wiki对寻正挂在嘴上的sub judice的介绍,英国等国不过是一般认为公开评论 在审的案件不合适(inappropriate),有可能被视为违法而进入藐视法庭程序, 怎么就“已经是刑事犯罪”?而且这主要是指对刑事案件的评论,是出于保护犯 罪嫌疑人的目的,或担心陪审团受舆论影响。美国宪法第一修正案对言论自由的 保护保证了美国对评论在审案件没有限制,有限制也是对律师而言的。 Sub judice From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In law, sub judice, Latin for “under judgment,” means that a particular case or matter is currently under trial or being considered by a judge or court. The term may be used synonymously with “the present case” or “the case at bar” by some lawyers. In England and Wales, New Zealand, Australia, India and Canada it is generally considered inappropriate to comment publicly on cases sub judice, which can be an offence in itself, leading to contempt of court proceedings. This is particularly true in criminal cases, where publicly discussing cases sub judice may constitute interference with due process. In the United States, there are First Amendment concerns about stifling the right of free speech which prevent such tight restrictions on comments sub judice. However, State Rules of Professional Conduct governing attorneys often place restrictions on the out-of-court statements an attorney may make regarding an ongoing case. Furthermore, there are still protections for criminal defendants and those convicted in an atmosphere of a circus have had their convictions overturned for a fairer trial. (XYS20081103) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys3.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys-reader.org)◇◇