◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys3.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇ 北京大学微电子学研究院薛守斌及张兴教授涉嫌一稿两投   作者:Hua_Cheng   最近在网上检索资料时发现两篇北京大学微电子研究院07级博士研究生薛 守斌、教授张兴发表的两篇文章中的多幅图以及大段的文字叙述几乎一模一样, 属于一稿多投。附上两篇文章的信息,供查实。   文章1:Title: A simple method for the growth of high-quality GaN nanobelts   Author(s): Xue, SB; Zhang, X; Huang, R, et al.   Source: MATERIALS LETTERS Volume: 62 Issue: 17-18 Pages: 2743-2745 Published: 2008   文章2:Title: A study on self-assembled GaN nanobelts by a new method: Structure, morphology, composition, and luminescence   Author(s): Xue, SB; Zhang, X; Huang, R, et al.   Source: CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN Volume: 8 Issue: 7 Pages: 2177-2181 Published: 2008 (XYS20081201) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys3.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇