◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇ 关于《一个疑似邪教萌芽的伪科学技术》 方先生,您好! 读完24日新到资料中的《一个疑似邪教萌芽的伪科学技术》,我到文中提到的博客 转了一下。这个弱智博客访问量不高,不值得在新语丝上继续间接给它作宣传,但它引 用了来自网易的一篇资料《Windows Vista可记录用户脑电波》,这个标题相当吓人, 文章见附录1。只要对计算机软件有点儿常识的人,都能发现其内容的荒谬,比如说要 用到电磁传感器,这好歹也需要硬件厂商跟微软配合吧。但我到google上一搜“ Windows Vista可记录用户脑电波”(加了引号),竟然有1630个结果,而且都发布在今 年八月份,不是愚人节新闻! 其实根据文中线索,google一下"windows vista"+"Neural Collector",就能找到 这篇新闻的源头,即Microsoft's New Operating System Records Brain Waves Of Users,文章见附录2。这也是一篇博文,博主在自我介绍中 (http://www.blogger.com/profile/25833498),说自己是一位“Intrepid reporter pursuing stories like an Airedale on the scent of a river rat”。看他的博客, 也可以发现里边所谓的新闻都是编造出来逗大家玩的。不知道哪位仁兄把这个joke翻译 了一下,就被众多中文网站不问真相,不加说明,纷纷转载。 一个有病的人建一个弱智博客,大家应该同情她,让她找医生。而众多中文网站纷 纷弱智转载上面这篇文章,是因为它们把网民当弱智,还是因为它们自己有病,也需要 找医生看看? 向你的工作致敬! -rivercoolcool 2006.9.25 附录1:http://tech.163.com/06/0825/00/2PB51100000915AS.html Windows Vista可记录用户脑电波 2006-08-25 00:36:37 来源: 风行资讯  网友评论 49 条 进入论坛 微软新操作系统Windows Vista确定在明年早些时候发布,但是却已经导致了关于它的 大量争论的发生,争论的原因就是因为Vista中的一个非常特殊的功能--Vista可以记 录在他们的电脑上工作的用户的脑电波! 这样革命性技术的实现就是为什么Vista会一而再再而三的跳票的根本原因,但是微软 的科学家们却不敢确定他们已经解决了所有的Bug,和初始测试是否产生了积极的效 果。这一独特的功能叫做“神经系统收集器(Neural Collector)”,但是微软技术人员 却昵称其为“大脑吸管(Brain Sucker)”,是因为它的非凡功能--收集Vista用户的 想法和大体神经系统的活动。 该神经系统收集器被技术人员故意设计为自动运行,并且对于用户是完全透明。启动之 后, Windows Vista将会激活一连串的电磁传感器,这些传感器将和用户的神经系统建 立一个连接。当一个稳定的连接被确认之后,脑电波将被收集并记录。这个处于自然状 态的脑电波信息将被传送到微软中央数据收集中心,在这里,这些脑电波信息将被译解 和分析,以备后用。 许多民众自由论者认为这个将被普遍使用的新技术侵犯了用户的个人隐私,因为这样微 软可以获悉计算机用户最隐私的信息。微软官方关于此发表了一个答复:该灵巧的新功 能可以使它更好的使它的市场适应每个个性化的需求。微软主席Bill Gates说:“我并 不知道这些骚动是关于什么方面的。隐私只是一个最自私的字眼。” 如在Windows Vista的用户购买合同中解释的,所有记录的脑电波数据将只为微软公司 所有。 附录2: http://assimilatedpress.blogspot.com/2006/08/microsofts-new-operating-system.html Wednesday, August 16, 2006 Microsoft's New Operating System Records Brain Waves Of Users Redmond, Washington - Windows Vista, Microsoft's new operating system which is scheduled for release early next year, is already causing a great deal of controversy because of a very unusual feature that allows Vista to record the brain waves of users as they work on their computers. Implementation of this revolutionary technology is the primary reason why the release of Windows Vista has been repeatedly delayed. However, scientists at Microsoft are now confident they have worked out the bugs and initial beta tests have produced positive results. This unique feature is called the "Neural Collector" although Microsoft technicians have nicknamed it the "brain sucker" because of its extraordinary ability to gather the thoughts and general neural activity of Vista users. By design, the Neural Collector functions automatically and is completely transparent to the user. Upon startup, Windows Vista will activate a series of electromagnetic sensors that will establish a connection with the cerebrum of the user. Once a stable connection is verified, brain waves will be collected and recorded. This raw neural information will then be sent to Microsoft's central data collection center where it will be deciphered and analyzed for later use. Many civil libertarians are alarmed at the pervasive nature of this new technology and have called it an unprecedented breach of individual privacy rights that will allow Microsoft to gain access to the most intimate thoughts of computer users. Microsoft, in reply, says it is simply a neat new feature that will allow it to adjust its marketing to suit the needs of each individual. Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft Corporation, said "I don't know what all the commotion is about. Privacy is just a seven letter word." As explained in the user's purchase agreement for Windows Vista, all recorded brain waves are the sole property of Microsoft Corporation. posted by Virt at 12:45 AM (XYS20060925) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇