◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇ 【方舟子按:我在4月12日晚上在中科院研究生院演讲时曾提到这一期美国《科学》 可能会对刘辉事件有一个比较深度的报道,因为我曾接受过其记者采访并提供了 相关图片。据说由于被一个突发事件占了版面,最终变成了一条简讯。】   美国《科学》杂志报道清华大学开除刘辉事件   《科学》2006年4月14日   清华大学医学院院长助理刘辉由于在2年前用假履历申请到这份工作,已被 开除。   校方在一份声明中说,经查证发现“刘辉提供的个人履历、学术成果的材料 存在严重不实,属学术不端行为。”   46岁的刘辉在中国和日本受的教育。他说他已在纽约工作了十年,是纽约大 学医学院外科研究中心主任和外科副教授。但是纽约大学校方说,并无这个中心, 刘辉也从未是其雇员。   住在美国的生物化学学者方是民致力于反对中国的“学术腐败”(见《科学》 2001年8月10日第1039页的报道),他首先在其中文网站新语丝(www.xys.org) 上质疑刘辉的履历。方在上个月也报道了刘辉被解除职务。   (方舟子译) Newsmakers Science Volume 312, Number 5771, Issue of 14 April 2006 BOGUS BACKGROUND. Liu Hui, assistant dean and professor of Qinghua University Medical School, has been fired for falsifying the resume used to land his job 2 years ago. University officials said in a statement that an investigation of Liu's credentials found that "the resume and academic achievements provided by Liu Hui … were gravely untrue and constituted academic misconduct." Liu, 46, educated in China and Japan, said he had worked in New York for a decade and was director of the Center for Surgical Research and associate professor of surgery at New York University's (NYU's) School of Medicine. But there is no such center, according to NYU officials, and Liu was never an employee. Shi-min Fang, a U.S.-based biochemist who crusades against "academic corruption" in China (Science, 10 August 2001, p. 1039), first questioned Liu's credentials on his Chinese-language New Threads Web site (www.xys.org). Fang also reported Liu's dismissal last month. (XYS20060414) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇