◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇ 方舟子先生:   你好!我是北京市西山医院神经外科医生黄红云(本人原单位为北京朝阳医 院神经外二科)。   对你多年来致力于在国内推动著名的学术打假活动,本人非常佩服。这对净 化国内学术界的学术腐败和浮夸,提升国内的学术研究水平有举足轻重的作用。   事实上,当今的学术造假剽窃之恶劣风气不仅仅限于国内,国际上也屡见不 鲜!   目前,我们正准备诉讼《北京的细胞移植:对最大的人类慢性脊髓损伤临床 试验的观察研究》一文作者之一美国的James Guest(文中作者署名单位是加拿 大大不列颠哥伦比亚大学神经科和脊髓损伤研究中心,但实际上他的工作单位是 在美国的Miami大学)剽窃我们的临床研究成果。他在没有得到我们和我们患者 同意的情况下,竟私自在Spinal Cord杂志上发表我们的病例报告(文中他的结 论是我们的治疗对晚期完全性脊髓损伤患者有肯定临床效果)。   我们已经向Spinal Cord杂志编辑部、James Guest所在学校学术委员会和伦 理委员会、以及该领域多位世界级知名专家发信(信原件附后),希望更多的正 义之士了解并揭露James Guest丑恶的学术剽窃行为,以严厉惩戒这种学术剽窃 丑行。   你作为世界级的学术打假英雄,可否对我们的跨国打假活动提供宝贵的建议, 真诚期待你的有力支持!   最后,我想告诉你,鉴于Bruce H. Dobkin和James Guest等人在他们所杜撰 的所谓《北京的细胞移植:对最大的人类慢性脊髓损伤临床试验的观察研究》 (新语丝06.03.30)一文中有多处歪曲事实和人身诽谤,我们目前也正在积极进 行国际诉讼作者的各项准备工作。   很难想象,这样一种剽窃他人研究成果的人,从人品和学术道德来看,他还 有何诚信可言?更令人愤慨的是,他还贼喊捉贼自诩为学者和自封为打假者的人。 如有可能可否将我们发给Spinal Cord杂志编辑部的信在新语丝网站上全文公开 发表。谢谢! 祝 好! 黄红云 北京市西山医院暨北京市康复中心 北京市石景山区西山神经再生和功能重建研究所 2006-4-26 附信原件: Letter to the Editors Re: Guest et al, Spinal Cord 2006, 44(3):135-42 To the Editors: J Guest and colleagues reported rapid recovery of segmental neurological function in a tetraplegic patient following transplantation of fetal olfactory bulb-derived cells in the 2006 issue of Spinal Cord (1). Inconsistently, they then denied similar neurological changes in a recent report documenting the results of seven patients (2). As the neurosurgeon who designed the clinical protocol and performed the transplantation series in Beijing (3), I am writing to offer my perspective on this case report. Unethical International Collaboration: Guest and colleagues rightly point out the need for objective data, but their case report raise questions about the standards for international scientific cooperation. Sadly, their conduct has proven deeply disappointing. Guest and Qian initially approached me in Beijing, offering to collaborate on a joint effort to evaluate the results of the OEG transplantation. After I provided them with access to patient data and materials related to the transplantation procedure, they stole this material and published their case report without giving me due credit. They also failed to obtain permission from me or my hospital to publish these results. Most egregiously, they failed to obtain written informed consent to participate in our study from the patient whom they evaluated. The unprofessional and even unethical open stealing behavior of Guest and his colleagues at the University of Miami should be excoriated by the scientific community. The international nature of my transplantation protocol does not give Guest and colleagues the license to neglect ethical and scientific standards in conducting their research. Faulty Immunostaining Technique: On a more technical level, Guest and colleagues were unable to establish whether the cells in question were OEGs. I believe this is a problem with their own faulty immunostaining technique, and not a problem with our cells. OEGs can be definitively identified by testing for GFAP and p75 (LNGFR) antibodies (4). But as Guest points out in his article, he was unable to use the p75 OEG-specific marker because of the method he used to fix the cells for transport to Miami. The logical next step should have been to re-do the cellular analysis with properly fixed cell samples. Instead, Guest and colleagues practiced bad science by publishing their inconclusive results without further analysis. They chose to cast doubt on the identity of the cells rather than their own faulty technique. In collaboration with Dr. Wise Young at Rutgers University, my laboratory has successfully applied the GFAP and p75 (LNGFR) markers to dozens of olfactory bulb cell cultures we are transplanting and established that they are indeed OEGs. We anticipate continuing our collaborative efforts with honest and respected neuroscientists around the world, and hope for a more balanced relationship in the future. We encourage the editors of Spinal Cord and other leading clinical journals to hold their contributors to higher standards of scientific collaboration and ethical conduct. I believe that honest and respected neuroscientists around the world will despise Guest and colleagues' stealing and dishonest behavior. Furthermore, I believe that Guest and colleagues should issue a formal printed apology in your Journal to me, my hospital, my patient, your Journal and even all the scientific community for their immoral conduct to hurt all of us. Sincerely, Dr. HUANG, Hongyun M.D. & Ph.D. Chairman and Professor Beijing Xishan Institute for Neuroregeneration and Functional Recovery in Shijingshan District, Beijing, 100041, China Neurological Disorder Research and Treatment Center & Department of Neurosurgery Beijing Xishan Hospital, Shijingshan District, Beijing, 100041, China Phone: 86-10-88965507 Fax: 86-10-51625950 Email: hongyun@mailcity.com Website: www.nrrfr.com References 1. Guest, J., Herrera LP, Qian T. 2006. Case Report: Rapid recovery of segmental neurological function in a tetraplegic patient following transplantation of fetal olfactory bulb-derived cells. Spinal Cord. 2006;44(3):135-42. 2. Dobkin, BH, A Curt, J Guest. 2006. Cellular Transplants in China: Observational Study from the Largest Human Experiment in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury. Neurorehabil Neural repair 2006, 20:5-13. 3. Huang HY, Chen L, Wang HM, et al. 2003. Influence of patients' age on functional recovery after transplantation of olfactory ensheathing cells into injured spinal cord injury. Chin Med J. 2003; 116(10):1488-1491 4. Ramon-Cueto A, Avila J 1998. Olfactory ensheathing glia: properties and function. Brain Res Bull. 1998;46(3):175-87. (XYS20060428) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇