◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇ 曝光学术不端,与文化大革命不同 (按:原文为英文,登在英国《自然》2006年6月22日。gopher翻译) 主编先生:   贵刊的特别报道(《自然》441, 392-393;2006)和社论《发现中国的造假 行为》(《自然》441, 549–550; 2006)表达了对于指控中国科学不端行为的深 深的担心。您正确地指出了如果不端行为普遍存在,取缔不端行为应该是政府的 最优先事项。   新语丝网站广泛报道从诸如文学到大众科学的领域。它因为刊登各种类型的 对科学不端行为的指控,并为人们提供了一个讨论他们的所关心的事的论坛,而 广为人知。这个网站在知识分子和公众中间流行起来,是有很好的理由的。那些 谴责新语丝网站的人的动机,才是应该被质疑的。   认为著名科学家可能会因为网上针对他们的指控而遭到迫害,或者把它与文 化大革命作比较,这是具有误导性的。我在童年时代见证了文化大革命的暴力。 我的父母因为他们的家庭(出身)、教育和专业背景而被红卫兵虐待。当我看到 海报和漫画上他们的名字被打上叉号的时候,我哭了出来。   文化大革命是一个由这个国家的领导人组织起来的大规模运动,目的是为了 消灭他的对手。而新语丝网站不过是一个没有任何官方权力的平台:开放性是它 成功的关键。草根阶层向官方渠道——例如学校当局——报告不端行为而不被理 睬,而新语丝已经成为了草根阶层的门户。网上辩论以及随之而来的公众注意可 以起到警告人们不要试图违反科研伦理的作用。这与可怕的文化大革命没有任何 相同之处。 Zheng Huang Radiation Oncology Department, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, Aurora, Colorado 80045, USA Misconduct: exposure is not like Cultural Revolution Zheng Huang1 1. Radiation Oncology Department, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, Aurora, Colorado 80045, USA Sir: Your Special Report (Nature 441, 392–393; 2006) and Editorial "Finding fraud in China" (Nature 441, 549–550; 2006) express deep concern about accusations of scientific misconduct in China. You rightly point out that it should be the government's greatest priority to crack down on scientific misconduct, if it is rife. The New Threads website covers wide areas such as literature and popular science. It is well known for posting accusations of all types of scientific misconduct, and providing a forum for people to discuss their concerns. There are good reasons for the popularity of the website among intellectuals and the general public. It is the motivation of those condemning it that needs to be questioned. It is misleading to suggest that high-profile researchers could be persecuted through accusations made against them on the Internet, or to compare this to the Cultural Revolution. I witnessed the violence of the Cultural Revolution in my childhood. My parents were abused by the Red Guard because of their family, education and professional background. I cried when I saw crosses marking their names in posters and cartoons. The Cultural Revolution was a mass movement organized by the country's leader to crack down on his opponents. New Threads is just a platform without any official power: openness is the key to its success. It has become a portal for the grass roots who are ignored by official channels, such as university authorities, when they report misconduct. Internet debate and the resultant public attention can act as a warning to people attempting to violate research ethics. This is nothing like the horror of the Cultural Revolution. (XYS20060623) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇