◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.dyndns.info)◇◇ 复旦新全球招聘的院长朱依谆也在用会议摘要冒充论文? 作者:cms Y.Z. Zhu, Y.C. Zhu, M. Stoll, Th. Unger. Identification of regulated genes in rat heart after myocardial infarction. FASEB J. 10(3): A341, 1996. 这篇文章只有1页?是Abstract? 在杂志网页上找不到。 http://www.fasebj.org/contents-by-date.1996.shtml Y.Z. Zhu, J. Li, Y.C. Zhu, O. Chung, H. Spitznagel, S. Sandmann, C. Tsch?pe, Th. Unger. Increased gene expression of angiotensin AT1 and AT2 receptors in the acute phase of myocardial infarction. Hypertension Vol. 28(3): 541, 1996. 这篇文章也只有1页。也在杂志网页上找不到。 http://hyper.ahajournals.org/content/vol28/issue3/ http://www.fasebj.org/contents-by-date.1996.shtml (XYS20050924) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.dyndns.info)◇◇