◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.dyndns.info)◇◇   张正春不是教授——华尔街日报对圆明园事件的报道做出更正   有读者将方舟子《张正春在美国当“教授”》和Yush《评华尔街日报关于圆 明园防渗工程的报道》二文转给《华尔街日报》编辑部,《华尔街日报》在做了 调查之后,于2005年9月6日登出更正启事如下(Yush翻译):   北京圆明园于1860年被英法联军焚毁,其遗址又于1900年遭八国联军劫掠。 本报8月26日头版关于圆明园争论的文章错误地将其说成焚毁于1900年。另外, 张正春先生虽然与某大学的生命科学系有关系,但他从未被正式聘任为教授。本 报文章错把张先生当成教授,是根据张先生本人提供的错误信息。张先生及一位 同事后来说,他曾以客座教授的名义在该大学从事过一项合作研究项目,但从未 被正式任命为(客座教授)这一职位。 《华尔街日报》虽未对错误的报道做出道歉,但知错就改,远非至今仍一口 咬定“张正春是兰州大学生命科学院教授”的《新京报》、《南方人物周刊》之 流的没有起码的新闻道德的中国小报可比。(方舟子) 更正启事原文:   Corrections & Amplifications   6 September 2005   The Wall Street Journal   A2   English   THE YUANMINGYUAN PALACE in Beijing was burned down in 1860 by British and French armies, and the grounds were looted in 1900 by a joint army represented by eight countries. An Aug. 26 page-one article on a controversy over the grounds incorrectly said the palace was burned down in 1900. In addition, Zhang Zhengchun is affiliated with a university's life sciences department, but has never been officially employed as a professor. In the article, Mr. Zhang was incorrectly identified as a professor, based on erroneous information that he provided. Mr. Zhang and a colleague later said he was undergoing a joint research project with the university under the name of visiting professor, but was never officially appointed to such a position. (XYS20050909) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.dyndns.info)◇◇