◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇ 刘登义事件最新进展 ecolover 刚才去刘登义的网页上看了一下,发现其主页上被方舟子质疑的4篇论文已经被删除了! 刘登义现在的“代表性研究成果”是18篇,与方舟子附件里公布的刘登义原主页25篇 “代表性研究成果”对比,发现少了7篇,全部是“发表”在国外刊物上的文章,如下: 4. Elmqvist, T., Liu, D(刘登义)., Carlsson, U. and Giles, B.E. 1993. Anther-smut infection in Silene dioica: variation in flora morphology and patterns of spore deposition. Oikos 68:207-216. 5. Liu, D(刘登义) and Ericson, L. 1993. The effect of a vector-borne disease on the dynamics of natural plant populations for Ustilago violacea infection of Lychnis viscaria. Ecology 81:263-270. 7. Liu, D(刘登义). 1995. The correlation of infection by parasitic fungus and disease history of host plant. Oikos. 74:98-106. 10. Liu, D(刘登义). and Ericson, L. 2000. Interaction between two microcyclic and one macrocyclic rust fungi in Geranium sylvaticum (Geraniaceae). Ecol. 81(8):2341-2347. 11. Liu, D(刘登义). and Ericson, L. 2001. Impact of the flower smut Ustilago cynodontis (Ustilagiaceae) on the perfamance of the clonal grass Cynodon dactylon (Gramiveae). Am. J. Bot. 101(4):623-631. 22. Liu, D(刘登义) and Lars, E. 2000. Interactions between two microcyclic and one macrocyclic rust fungi in Geranium sylvaticum (Geraniaceae). Ecol. 81(8):2315-2322. 23. Liu, D(刘登义) and You bao, W. 2003. Effects of sewage irrigation on the growth and scavenging system of activated oxygen of crop plants. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination And Toxicology,71(5):1011-1018. 另,其原第25篇文献为: 25. Liu, D(刘登义), Ying, L., Ling, Ch., Guanglin, W., and Lilong, W. Study of the Tolerance of Hippochaete ramosissimum to Cu Stress. Science in China,2004, in press. 现已变动为: 18. Liu, D(刘登义), Ying, L., Ling, Ch., Guanglin, W., and Lilong, W. Study of the Tolerance of Hippochaete ramosissimum to Cu Stress. Science in China,2005 supp. 又,刘登义并删掉了一本“专著”: 1. Liu, D. Disease patterns in natural plant populations. Umea University Press, Umea, Sweden, 1997.(独著) (XYS20051205) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇