◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇   帝国理工相当于副教授的research fellow   作者:一条硕士   关于《我所了解的英国大学体制下的tutor》一文中提到:   "很纳闷在论坛上有人说自己在帝国理工是相当于副教授的research fellow 。关于这点,我请教过我们学校一些research fellow和 senior research fellow。他们给我的答复是:再 senior的research fellow 也只是很senior 的 post-doc!所以在那次争论中,我同意fish的讲法。不过,或许帝国理工的体制 不一样。我不是那里的学生,所以不敢乱评判。"   这个副教授级别的research fellow其实是有点根据的。帝国理工的 reasearch以及academic职位在HR系统里是放在一起的,同属Research and Education Job Family。按照职位和薪水不同,整个job family被分为A,B,C,D,E 五级,A最低,E最高。   以前Research staff 的职位由低到高分别为RA I, RA II,RA III,RA IV。 最近有了些新花样,RA III改叫Principal Research Fellow, RA IV改叫 Professorial Research Fellow。Principal Research Fellow的评审参照 Readership的标准,Professorial Research Fellow的评审参照Professorship 的标准。Reader一般被认为相当于副教授,所以Principal Research Fellow也 可以认为是"相当于副教授的research fellow"。   以下摘自Academic Promotion Guidance Notes:   "Candidates for promotion to Principal Research Fellow (Research and Education Level D, previously RAIII) or Professorial Research Fellow (Research and Education Level E, previously RAIV), are also considered in the Academic Promotions Exercise because of the high level of research involved. The Readership procedure should be used for application to Principal Research Fellow and the Professorship procedure for application to Professorial Research Fellow. The criteria for Principal Research Fellows and Professorial Research Fellows are set out in Appendix J. " (XYS20051202) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇