◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇ 转贴一篇《比较张维迎和郎咸平的学术水平》附本人评论 by 南风 下面转贴的贴子原始出处似乎是水木清华,但我最早是在中国经济学教育科研网 的论坛(http://bbs.cenet.org.cn/)上看到。本来我不打算把它发到新语丝上, 但该文发到中国经济学教育科研网后不久被删除,所以我觉得有必要把它介绍给 大家,也算是对我前天《我对〈邹恒甫教授上海财大演讲散记与断想〉的观后感》 一文的补充。 注:从中国经济学教育科研网首页(http://www.cenet.org.cn/cn/)上看,这 是一家依托北京大学等名校经济学系成立的中国经济学年会所主办的网站。其理 事学校除北京大学外,还有中国人民大学、复旦大学、南开大学、武汉大学、厦 门大学、西北大学、香港大学。 比较张维迎和郎咸平的学术水平(谁是江湖郎中) 发信人: lucky (还是我), 信区: TsinghuaCent 标 题: Re: 张维迎:学者要有公信力 我不与无耻的人论战(zz) 发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Wed Sep 29 03:36:11 2004), 站内 转一个: 发信人: congmingdou (糖糖), 信区: PKU 标 题: Re: 张维迎:学者要有公信力 我不与无耻的人论战 发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Tue Sep 28 14:18:39 2004) WWW-POST 张维迎:不过这也提醒我们学术界,需要净化学术空气,不能让江湖郎中乱搅 和。...我最应该是个学者,我20年前写的书现在再版仍然是前沿的。一个真正 的学者是不愿与平庸为伍的。 那我们比较一下张维迎和郎咸平的学术水平,看看谁在真正的学术前沿,谁是真 正的学者,谁是江湖郎中。(仅比较英文论文部分) 张维迎: http://www.gsm.pku.edu.cn/gsm.nsf/index?OpenForm&ProgramName=1A0002002 001730178&Page=1&CSiteTemp=1 Zhang Weiying, 1990, "Theoretical questions concerning macroeconomic balance and macroeconomic control" (with Song Guoqing), Chinese Economic Studies, Vol.23, No.3, 1990, USA. Zhang Weiying, 1989, “On the Line of Thoughts in Price Reform Guided chiefly by the Notion of Letting Go’”, Chinese Economic Studies, Spring 1989, 22(3), pp.50-66, USA. Zhang, Weiying, 1997, “Decision Rights, Residual Claim and Performance: A theory of How China’s State Enterprise Reform Worksote , China Economic Review. Vol.8 (no.1): 67-82, JAL Press. Zhang, Weiying, 1998, “A principal-agent Theory of the Public Economy and Its Application to China”, Economics of Planning, Vol.31: 231-251. Zhang, Weiying, 1998, “Cross-regional competition and Privatization in China ”, MOST-MOCT: Economic Policy in transitional Economics. Zhang, Weiying, 1998, “Optimal Assignment of Principalship in Teamsh” (with Shuhe Li), forthcoming, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Zhang, Weiying, 2000, “The Road to Capitalism: Competition and Institutional Change in China” (with Shaomin Li and Shuhe Li), Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 28 (No.2): 269-292. Zhang, Weiying, 2000, “Why Entrepreneurs Are Liquidity-Constrained? ”, Annals of Economics and Finance, Forthcoming, Vol. 1 (No.1). Zhang, Weiying, 2000, “China’s SOE Reform: A Corporate Governance Perspective”, the Current Politics and Economics of China, forthcoming. 张没有论文在国际一流学术期刊上发表, 怎么就在学术前沿了呢? 郎咸平: http://www.ceibs.edu/forum/2002/0511_lang_cv.html "An Empirical Test of the Impact of Managerial Self Interest on Corporate Capital Structure," (with I. Friend), Journal of Finance 43, 1988, p271-281. "The Size Effect of Stock Returns: Is It Simply A Risk Factor Not Adequately Reflected by the Usual Risk Measures?" (with I. Friend), Journal of Banking and Finance 12, 1988, p13-30. "Dividend Announcements: Cash Flow Signalling vs. Free Cash Flow Hypotheses," (with R. Litzenberger), Journal of Financial Economics 24, 1989, p181-191. "Managerial Performance, Tobin's Q and Successful Tender Offers," (with R. Stulz and R. Walkling), Journal of Financial Economics 24, 1989, p137-154. "Troubled Debt Restructuring: An Empirical Study of Private Reorganization of Firms in Default," (with S. Gilson and K. John), Journal of Financial Economics 27, 1990, p315-353. "The Forecast Accuracy of Individual Analysts: Evidence of Systematic Optimism and Pessimism," (with K. Butler), Journal of Accounting Research 29, 1991, p150-156. "Insider Trading Around Dividend Announcements: Theory and Evidence," (with K. John), Journal of Finance 46, 1991, p1361-1390. "A Test of the Free Cash Flow Hypothesis: The Case of Bidder Returns," (with R. Stulz and R. Walkling), Journal of Financial Economics 29, 1991, p315-335. "Testing Financial Market Equilibrium under Asymmetric Information," (with R. Litzenberger and V. Madrigal), Journal of Political Economy 100, 1992, p317-348. "Contagion and Competition Intra-Industry Effects of Bankruptcy Announcements: An Empirical Analysis," (with R. Stulz), Journal of Financial Economics 32, 1992, p45-60. "Voluntary Restructuring of Large Firms in Response to Performance Decline," (with K. John and J. Netter), Journal of Finance 47, 1992, p891-917. "Tobin's q, Corporate Diversification and Firm Performance," (with R. Stulz), Journal of Political Economy 102, 1994, p1248-1280. "Asset Sales, Firm Performance and the Agency Costs of Managerial Discretion," (with A. Poulsen and R. Stulz), Journal of Financial Economics 37, 1995, p3-38. "Leverage, Investment and Firm Growth," (with E. Ofek and R. Stulz), Journal of Financial Economics 40, 1996, p3-29. "Does Money Explain Asset Returns? Theory and Evidence," (with K.C. Chan and S. Foresi), Journal of Finance 51, 1996, p345-361. "Common Volatility in the Industrial Structure of Global Capital Markets," (with B. Arshanapalli and J. Doukas), Journal of International Money and Finance 16, 1997, 189-209. "Determinants of Interest Rate Swap Spreads," (with R. Litzenberger and A. Liu), Journal Banking and Finance 22, 1998, 1507-1532. "The Pricing of Currency Risk in Japan," (with J. Doukas and P. Hall), Journal Banking and Finance 23, 1999, 1-20. "The Measurement of Relatedness: An Application to Corporate Diversification," (with J. Fan), Journal of Business 73, 2000, 629-660. "Separation of Ownership from Control of East Asian Firms", (with S. Claessens and S. Djankov), Journal of Financial Economics 58, 2000, 81-112. "Expropriation and Dividends" (with M. Faccio and L. Young), American Economic Review 91, 2001, 1-25. "Disentangling the Incentive and Entrenchment Effects of Large Shareholdings (with S. Claessens, S. Djankov and J. Fan), forthcoming in Journal of Finance. "The Ultimate Ownership of Western European Corporations," (with M. Faccio), forthcoming in Journal of Financial Economics. 国际一流学术期刊 经济类top 2:American Economic Review,Journal of Political Economy, 金融类top 2:Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, 大家比较比较, 谁是真正的学者, 谁是江湖郎中 -- ※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站 http://smth.org·[FROM: 210.86.74.*] 除此之外,在北京大学光华管院介绍张维迎的学术成绩一栏 (http://www.gsm.pku.edu.cn/gsm.nsf/index?OpenForm&ProgramName=1A00020 02001730177&Page=1&CSiteTemp=1),罗列了张维迎90年代三大成绩,其中企业 理论、产权理论非本人专业,不敢妄下断言。下面仅就三大成绩之一的《博弈论 与信息经济学》一书为例,做个简单说明。该书的确为国内多所高校所采用,在 国内与谢识予的《经济博弈论》齐名。但无论如何,该书也只是一本教材,因为 出版的时间比较早,可以算是同类教材的开山之作,加上作者汇编的内容比较多, 确实很适合研究生使用。不过无论如何,我相信没有哪位知名学者是靠写教材闯 出名头的。在经济学界,最出名的教材当为Samuelson(通译萨谬尔逊)所编著 的《经济学》,开创了经济学教材的新体系,自首版问世已来,发行50余年而不 衰,迄今在中国已经有第16版中文版。但Samuelson本人能获得诺贝尔经济学奖 的功绩却绝非该教材之缘故,可以说毫无干系。写教材面向的对象是学生,文笔 好是第一要旨。而作为学者,特别是知名学者,在学术研究上做出文章才能体现 出其学术地位。所以张维迎的《博弈论与信息经济学》确为好书一本,但与其学 术水平实无关联。 本人学识浅薄,也欢迎经济学同行多多交流。 south_wind@sina.com (XYS20041013) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇