◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(newxys.com)(xys10.dxiong.com)◇◇   华侨大学蒲继雄学位造假及科研中弄虚作假的问题   作者:渡久   方先生,你好,之前连载了多篇华侨大学蒲继雄学位造假及科研中弄虚作假 的问题,根据我三十年前的工作经历补充一些华侨大学蒲继雄造假的信息。对于 蒲继雄日本论文博士的学位造假问题已有论述,获得日本论文博士为2002年3月, 四川大学在职博士为2003年4月。日本导师为根本承次郎Nemoto, Shojiro;国内 导师为吕百达。蒲继雄完成四川大学博士论文时指出,他想起导师吕百达教授十 多年来的帮助和影响,受益终身。然而,此后他的简历不再提及吕百达教授。华 侨大学蒲继雄在科研中弄虚作假以帮助妻子张惠华骗取职称。其实,蒲继雄在三 十年前也运用同样的方法骗取奖励和待遇,下面是一些科研中弄虚作假的论文:   1. Title: Uniform-intensity axicon: A lens coded with a symmetrically cubic phase plate Author(s): Pu, JX; Zhang, HH; Nemoto, S Source: Optical and Quantum Electronics Volume: 33 Issue: 6 Pages: 653- 660 Published: JUN 2001   2. Title: Axial intensity distribution of partially coherent light focused by a lens with spherical aberration Author(s): Pu, JX; Nemoto, S; Zhang, HH; et al. Source: Journal of Modern Optics Volume: 47 Issue: 4 Pages: 605-612 Published: MAR 20 2000   3. Title: Lens axicons illuminated by Gaussian beams for generation of uniform-axial intensity Bessel fields Author(s): Pu, JX; Zhang, HH; Nemoto, S Source: Optical Engineering Volume: 39 Issue: 3 Pages: 803-807 Published: MAR 2000   4. Title: Reshaping Gaussian Schell-model beams to uniform profiles by lens spherical aberration (vol 46, pg 1611, 1999) Author(s): Pu, JX; Nemoto, S; Zhang, HH Source: Journal of Modern Optics Volume: 47 Issue: 5 Pages: 957-957 Published: APR 15 2000   5. Title: Annular-aperture diffractive axicons illuminated by Gaussian beams Author(s): Pu, JX; Zhang, HH; Nemoto, S; et al.Source: Journal of Optics a-Pure and Applied Optics Volume: 1 Issue: 6 Pages: 730-734 Published: NOV 1999   6. Title: Reshaping Gaussian Schell-model beams to uniform profiles by lenses with spherical aberration Author(s): Pu, JX; Nemoto, S; Zhang, HH Source: Journal of Modern Optics Volume: 46 Issue: 11 Pages: 1611-1620 Published: SEP 15 1999   7. Title: Spectral shifts and spectral switches of partially coherent light passing through an aperture Author(s): Pu, JX; Zhang, HH; Nemoto, S Source: Optics Communications Volume: 162 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 57-63 Published: APR 1 1999   8. Title: Aberrated lenses for generating flattened laser irradiance Author(s): Pu, JX; Zhang, HH Source: Applied Optics Volume: 37 Issue: 19 Pages: 4200-4205 Published: JUL 1 1998   9. 光阑对部分相干光束模式的影响 蒲继雄; 蒲鸿猷 华侨大学应用物理系; 福建师范大学物理系 【期刊】应用激光 1991-08-29   华侨大学多年来造假严重、屡见不鲜、未见处理,是高校管理和纪律检查部 门失去职能的表现。相比厦门大学,已解除造假者的聘任合同,并作辞退处理。 华侨大学欠所有校友、所有师生员工和所有关爱华侨大学的社会各界人士,一个 深刻的道歉! (XYS20190407) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(newxys.com)(xys10.dxiong.com)◇◇