◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys.3322.org)◇◇ 对“六西格玛”的一点质疑 近距 “六西格玛”的管理理念最早起源于摩托罗拉。是一种值得追求的管理理念。宣传上可能 搞混了不良品率和偏差(出错)机会两个概念。误导读者认为企业应用“六西格玛”的管 理就等于实现了六西格玛质量。 “六西格玛”的管理理念有其先进性。 1。量化质量管理。 2。表示企业不断追求更高质量管理目标。 Comments on Six Sigma I am trying to clarify the issue which arises from the following article: First, we need to understand the Norma Distribution Table ( so-called Z value table ). The probability listed on the Normal Distribution Table is the distribution probability when Z is larger than the specific Z value ( or Sigma number ). I just list the a few in the following table as well as the corresponding DPMO which is widely used in GE: Z value Probability Defects per Million Opportunities(DPMO) 1.5 6.68E-2 66800 2.5 6.21E-3 6210 3.5 2.33E-4 233 4.5 3.40E-6 3.4 The Z value here is the long term target which GE wants to achieve. However, there is a shift of 1.5 between long term Z value and short term Z value, or Z(long-term)=Z(short term)-1.5. To convert the above long term Z value to short term Z value, we have the following table: Z(short-term) Z(long-term) DPMO 3 1.5 66800 4 2.5 6210 5 3.5 233 6 4.5 3.4 When we talk about 6 Sigma, we are talking about the short-term Z value and the actual long-term Z value is only 4.5. Hope this can help to understand Six Sigma meaning. In general people tend to solve problems and make decisions based on past experience or intuition instead of data. Six Sigma just provides some tools to help people to collect data and make the decision based on the data. In addition, it also provides a common language to communicate for all people with different backgrounds. It is a collection of some simple statistics knowledge but proves very helpful. Regards, Gao Ming ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys.3322.org)◇◇