◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys8.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇   乔方利2010年的一篇文章可以证明他的波流相互作用模型还没有开发成功   作者:诺斯比波   这里提供一个材料,可以部分证明张一网的说法——乔方利直到现在都没有 波流相互作用模型。请大家审阅该材料的说服力。   乔方利下面这篇2010年发表的论文(附录一)的标题大意是“波流耦合模型 的初步测试”。可见,他们直到2010年才只是在初步测试,但在2003年已经声称 拥有。然而这个“初步测试”据笔者所认识的内部人爆料,也是假的。   从论文内容看,乔方利的研发工作似乎离发布一个有实质功能的波流相互作 用模型还有一段距离。该文谈的是思路,如何耦合。并且这样的思路他们此前若 干年都一直在谈,并且也公开发表了。该篇文章的重点仍然是强调波浪诱导混合 的重要性。该文除了个别内容,好像只是论文Qiao_GRL_2004的拉长版。论文标 题就是模型系统的描述和初步测试,按常理和惯例,应该会在海浪模型和海流模 型耦合之后,对比耦合模型与非耦合时的单独模拟所得到的海浪和海流各自有什 么改进,至少会同时提到海流和海浪的结果。然而,该文根本没有提及海浪的结 果。他们所发表的一系列的论文都有这个共同特点。   波流相互作用模型并不需要等他们“首次提出波流相互作用理论”才能研发 出来,国际上早有先例。近旁的韩国学者2005年就发表了一篇论文评估他们的波 流相互作用模型(附录二)。韩国学者的论文如实地描述了他们所得到的海流和 海浪的结果。   据笔者所认识的内部人爆料,乔方利课题组勉强能玩得转的只是一个普林斯 顿海洋模型(POM)。他们这几年论文发表了不少,都说是用他们开发出来的有 特色的波流相互作用模型所得到的实验结果。他们所出示的“改进结果”实际都 是“全手工制作的饺子”。他们不仅没有波流相互作用模型,而且在POM模型上 额外添加的所谓波浪诱导的混合强度也不是严格地按论文Qiao_GRL_2004中的表 达式给定,都是伸出咸猪手拿捏POM模型,作弊出来的。   --------------   附录一:乔方利的论文   学术期刊:Ocean Dynamics (2010) 60:1339–1355   论文标题:A three-dimensional surface wave-ocean circulation coupled model: System description and initial testing   合作作者:F Qiao, Y Yuan, T Ezer, C Xia, Y Yang, Z Song   内容摘要:   A theoretical framework to include the influences of nonbreaking surface waves in ocean general circulation models is established based on Reynolds stresses and fluxes terms derived from surface wave-induced fluctuation. An expression for the wave-induced viscosity and diffusivity as a function of the wave number spectrum is derived for infinite and finite water depths; this derivation allows the coupling of ocean circulation models with a wave number spectrum numerical model. In the case of monochromatic surface wave, the wave-induced viscosity and diffusivity are functions of the Stokes drift. The influence of the wave-induced mixing scheme on global ocean circulation models was tested with the Princeton Ocean Model, indicating significant improvement in upper ocean thermal structure   and mixed layer depth compared with mixing obtained by the Mellor –Yamada scheme without the wave influence. For example, the model– observation correlation coefficient of the upper 100-m temperature along 35° N increases from 0.68 without wave influence to 0.93 with wave influence. The wave-induced Reynolds stress can reach up to about 5% of the wind stress in high latitudes, and drive 2–3 Sv transport in the global ocean in the form of mesoscale induced mixing is more pronounced in middle and high latitudes during the summer in the Northern Hemisphere and in middle latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere.   附录二:韩国学者的论文   学术期刊:Ocean Modelling Volume 8, Issue 3, 2005, Pages 203–236   论文标题:Impact of a coupled ocean wave–tide–circulation system on coastal modeling   合作作者:l-Ju Moon   内容摘要:   The impact of a coupled ocean wave–tide–circulation system on coastal modeling for wind waves, oceanic circulation, and water-mass simulation is investigated by coupling of two well-tested models: the third-generation wave model (WAVEWATCH-II) and the Princeton ocean model (POM). In this study, several numerical experiments in the Yellow and East China Sea (YECS) are performed for the ideal winter case and the typhoon Winnie case. In the coupled system, wind waves are influenced by both currents and sea level elevation induced by tides, storm surges, and oceanic circulation. Tides were the most influential factor in modulating mean wave characteristics in the YECS. The magnitude of the modulation of mean wave parameters at neap tides is found to be half that at spring tides. In the YECS the tides affect not only wind waves, but also seasonal circulation and water-mass distributions. Tides increase the bottom friction of the YECS significantly and this contributes to a change of winter current direction up to 60 °C in the YECS and a decrease of surface temperatures along the trough of the Yellow Sea up to 4 °C in winter. Tides in summer produce the strong vertical mixing in shallow regions. This leads to the formation of tidal fronts in a boundary between well-mixed and stratified regions and causes sea surface temperatures (SST) along the west coast of Korea decrease as much as 3 °C. Effects of ocean waves on coastal circulation and SST simulations are investigated considering wave-dependent stress, wave breaking parameterization, and Langmuir circulation under typhoon Winnie conditions. The results show that the wave-dependent stress, which is strongly dependent on wave age and relative position from storm center, as well as the wave breaking have the most significant impact on the SST distribution. (XYS20141005) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys8.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇