◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys7.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇   天津外国语大学马钟元主编每天读点英文英美文化常识全集抄袭维基百科   作者:一个受骗的读者   尊敬的方舟子先生,   近日,逛书店买了一本封面标注为天津外国语大学教授马钟元主编的《每天 读点英文——英美文化常识全集》的书,结果回家仔细一看,发现该书所列大部 分内容为全文抄袭和轻微修改(代词的替代和句子位置的改变)自英文版的维基百 科,让人大跌眼镜。想不到堂堂大学教授都能无耻到如此地步,真是让人痛心疾 首。金钱在他们心中的地位已经远远高于他们的良心了。后来,我再到网上查询, 发现此人竟然主编了每天读点英文系列丛书。我手上没有其它书籍,因此无法核 对这些书是否也存在全文抄袭现象,但我也会不惮以最坏的恶意推测此人。因此, 为了不让其他消费者继续上当受骗,故揭露此人的抄袭行为。   下面我只拿其中一篇介绍Steven Jobs的文章的第一部分为例(其它文章的 内容也都是抄袭维基百科的,读者如果不信,可以随便挑一篇去维基百科上搜 索)。其中与维基百科一模一样的句子我用小括号标示,轻微修改的用方括号标 示。   Steven Jobs is an American businessman and techonology visionary. (He is best known as the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc). 【Through Apple, he was widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution and for his influentgial career in the computer and consumer electronics fields】. (Jobs founded Apple Company in 1976 at the age of 21. In september, 1997, he returned to Apple to be the CEO.) At the same year, he was listed on Time Magazine as the most successful manager. (Jobs also co-founded and served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios;) 【he becase a member of the board of directors of the Walt Disney Company in 2006.】【 As the new CEO of the company, Jobs oversaw the development of the iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, and ipad.】 ......... (XYS20130825) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys7.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇