◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys7.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇   举报东华大学服装学院李俊教授作假   作者:Retraction watcher   作为一名科研工作者,最经看到关于东华大学服装学院李俊关于“燃烧假人” 的失实报道(下面列举几个主要的网站相关报道),本人感到甚是愤怒。   人民网:http://scitech.people.com.cn/GB/15141959.html   东华大学网站:http://zs.dhu.edu.cn/latestNews_one.aspx?newid=813   新华网:http://news.xinhuanet.com/tech/2011-07/06/c_121631962.htm   纺织中国在线: http://www.ctn1986.com/sy/hydt/201107/18/t20110718_443695.shtml   中国教育和科研计算机网: http://www.ctn1986.com/sy/hydt/201107/18/t20110718_443695.shtml   东方网:http://sh.eastday.com/qtmt/20110705/u1a897831.html   更夸张的报道是在中华人民共和国教育部网站: http://www.moe.gov.cn/publicfiles/business/htmlfiles/moe/s5961/201110/125833.html   这个网站里面更是直接提及:试验中的假人名叫“东华火人”,由东华大学 功能与防护服装研究中心研制。它的身上分布着135个传感器,作为生物人体的 替身。科研人员通过采集假人衣下、皮肤表面的热流量数据,报告人体皮肤可能 受到的烧伤级别,从而定量评估被测服装的整体热防护性能。   之后该虚假新闻被新浪等几十家媒体网站转载,这里就不一一列举出来。   这些网站的报道及新闻采访中,都有提到是东华大学研制开发设计的,这与 事实严重不符。相关证据如下:   其实,该燃烧假人是从美国Measurement Technology Northwest购买来的, 根本谈不上什么研制设计开发,无非就是该公司对客户进行的定制。详细关于该 燃烧假人的报道详见美国西雅图西北测试技术公司的flyer:   http://thermal.mtnw-usa.com/products/flame-test-manikins   该公司面向全世界销售提供燃烧假人,燃烧假手和燃烧实验室。说白了,就 是只要有钱,就能去买,就能说我想要黑色的还是绿色的燃烧假人。   点击打开Bernie - Flame Test Manikin   http://thermal.mtnw-usa.com/products/flame-test-manikins/bernie   可以很明显的看到该公司为东华大学设计的燃烧假人和燃烧chamber。   更详细的介绍在下面这个链接   Measurement Technology NW (Seattle, Washington), is pleased to announce the installation and commissioning of a sophisticated Flame Test Manikin and Burn Chamber system at Donghua University in Shanghai, China. What makes the system so advanced? First, the manikin is fully articulated, with joints at the shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, and ankles. Better yet, the manikin shell was constructed using a special ceramic composite material that is completely flame-proof and will not degrade with use. This is a significant advantage over manikins constructed using high-temperature epoxy materials, because the required nude calibration burns prior to each test will carbonize/erode the surface of these manikins - leading to periodic repair and replacement issues.   But the manikin is not the only part of Donghua University’s installation worth talking about - the new modular burn chamber we designed is also quite an achievement. Developed to fit inside an existing (interior) building space at the university, the burn chamber is a fully ventilated, fire-resistant enclosure with viewing windows plus an access door with a window, housing the manikin and a 12-burner torch array. Chamber size is larger than the ASTM F1930 minimum requirements to provide sufficient space for uniform flame exposure, better combustion and ventilation, and enough room for safe movement around the manikin without accidentally jarring and displacing the burners. A system of propane gas piping, pressure regulators, valves, and pressure sensors safely delivers fuel to the ignition system and its 12 exposure torches, allowing the system to generate the range of heat fluxes necessary to meet the requirements of ASTM F1930.   此外,东华大学李俊教授课题组在随后的文章写作当中,多次提到。。。 the newly developed flame manikin (Fig.1) in Donghua University was employed.   参考文献:http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201307-258   拿着花钱买的设备就说自己研制的,还有比这个更为脸皮厚的么?即使买来 的设备再先进,有什么值得吹嘘的吗?更不可思议的是,东华大学,作为教育部 直属211高校,竟然还吹嘘”日前发生在东华大学的这一幕,是国际领先的火场 人体全身防护装备仿生试验。这是该校坚持纺织特色、推进多学科协同创新的成 果之一。“ 试问东华大学,你们所说的创新在哪里?难道创新就是买来的东西 说自己研制的吗?好一个创新,这和很多年钱某高校买来CPU当做龙芯有什么区 别???   如果大家对该flame manikin有什么疑问,可以直接联系该公司的相关负责 人:   Dave Heiss   Measurement Technology Northwest   4211 - 24th Avenue West   Seattle, WA 98199 Phone: (206) 634-1308   Email: daveh@mtnw-usa.com (XYS20130905) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys7.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇