◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys7.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇ 樊代明院士的抄袭论文,为什么一直不撤销呢? 作者:许培扬   天津医科大学毛教授最近在做医学科技查新工作时发现赵云平 王汝文 樊代明的综述论文是抄袭人家的,我核查了这篇文章,发现2007年就有人指出这 是抄袭,不知道为什么这个杂志编辑部不予撤销这篇文章?至今还能检索到此文, 这个影响可不好,也不知道樊代明院士是否知道这个情况。 许教授: 附件中 通过查新检索《樊代明 AND Dlamini》两篇文章对照,您看 看我检索的是否对? 谢谢! 天津医科大学 毛垣生 毛教授,您好。 这两篇文章我看了,不知道樊院士是否知道他们的文章当年发表的情况,您认为 是否应该告诉樊院士?我觉得应该告诉他们采取补救措施,否则国际影响很不好。 供您参考。 许培扬 许教授: 樊院士不知道他的邮箱,无法通知他。 谢谢! 毛垣生 一、作者:Yunping Zhao1,2, Ruwen Wang2, Daiming Fan1,* 【见附件:樊代 明文章.PDF】 赵云平 王汝文 樊代明 EXCLI Journal. (Experimental and Clinical Sciences) (Text in English) (Online Only)《实验与临床科学杂志》(网络版). The journal publishes original research ... 2006年在一个德国网络杂志EXCLI Journal上发表了一篇综述文章 EXCLI Journal 2006;5:79-92 – Received: 12. July 2006, accepted: 31. July 2006, published 3. August 2006 Review article: The molecular mechanisms of esophageal cancer 二、作者:M.L. McCabe and Z. Dlamini, 【见附件:作者Dlamini文章 PMID 15914317】 南非一个大学发表的综述文章发表与2005年International Immunopharmacology 杂志上,该文章2004年就可以在网络上获得。 Received 27 September 2004; revised 19 November 2004; accepted 29 November 2004. Available online 24 December 2004. mechanisms of oesophageal cancer 【PMID 15914317】 两篇文章的标题不但一模一样,文章整个内容也完全一样。樊代明是文章的 通讯作者,第一作者赵云平同时写了第四军医大学和第三军医大学单位地址。 文章的开头部分,在句子上,有点小改动,後来就是100%的抄袭了。有趣的 是,文章的参考文献部分,许多都用了新的参考文献,没有采用原文的参考文献。 也就是说,【Dlamini文】和樊代明文章用一模一样的内容,但是二文采用不同 的参考文献。一般来说,樊代明文章的参考文献是2004年以后发表的。也许考虑 到他们文章的发表时间是2007年,而原文是2004年,所以,原文没有2004年以后 的参考文献,而樊代明文章大量采用了2005年和2006年的文章作为参考文献。 也就是说,樊代明几乎变换了原文的参考文献。 当然了,樊代明院士文的参考 文献里面是绝对没有【Dlamini文】的。 下面仅举例比较两文明鉴 【Dlamini文章】 Abstract Apoptosis is a process of programmed cell death, which is as essential as cell growth, for the maintenance of homeostasis. When these processes loose integration such as cancer, then uncontrolled cell growth occurs. Cancer of the oesophagus ranks as the ninth most common malignancy in the world, and recent evidence shows that its incidence is increasing. Prognosis of this disease is poor, with an overall 5-year survival rate of less than 10%. Unraveling the mechanisms or developing animal models for oesophageal carcinoma have thus far not been successful. It is believed that oesophageal cancer has an intricate molecular mechanism of evading apoptosis by the down- regulation of Bax, up-regulation of Bcl-2, Bcl-xl and Survivin, mutation of p53 and alteration in Fas expression. A great deal of research has been perxxxxed in order to determine the key genes that initiate and promote the growth of oesophageal cancer. This review focuses on apoptosis and candidate genes linked to the development of oesophageal cancer, which it is hoped may provide diagnostic and therapeutic tools, and potential therapeutic strategies for the management of this carcinoma. 【樊代明文章】 ABSTRACT Esophageal Cancer ranks among the 10 most frequent cancers in the world, and recent evidence shows that its incidence is increasing. Prognosis of this disease is poor, with an overall 5-year survival rate of less than 10%. Unraveling the mechanisms or developing animal models for esophageal carcinoma have thus far not been successful. Many genes have been found that are believed to play a role in the development of esophageal cancer but the underlying mechanism by which this disease develops is still not clear. It is believed that esophageal cancer has an intricate molecular mechanism of evading apoptosis by the down-regulation of Bax, up-regulation of Bcl-2, Bcl- xl and Survivin, mutation of p53 and alteration in Fas expression. A great deal of research has been perxxxxed in order to determine the key genes that initiate and promote the growth of esophageal cancer. This review focuses on apoptosis and candidate genes linked to the development of esophageal cancer, which it is hoped may provide diagnostic and therapeutic tools, and potential therapeutic strategies for the management of this carcinoma. 【Dlamini文章】 Keywords: Human oesophageal cancer; Molecular genetics; Apoptosis signalling pathway; Genomics; Oesophageal cancer therapeutics 【樊代明文章】 Keywords: Human esophageal cancer, molecular genetics, apoptosis signalling pathway, genomics, esophageal cancer therapeutics 【Dlamini文章】 1.3. Molecular genetics of oesophageal cancer As oesophageal carcinogenesis is poorly understood, much research is being carried out to understand the precise mechanisms causing the metaplasia– dysplasia sequence of oesophageal carcinoma at a molecular level [9]. It is known that tumour suppressor genes, oncogenes, and apoptotic genes are involved in the initiation and development of oesophageal cancer, but to date no gene directly related to oesophageal cancer has been identified [10]. Many candidate genes and their role in the development of oesophageal cancer are still to be revealed before a human oesophageal carcinogenesis model can be developed. Key tumour related genes and their specific role played in the development of oesophageal cancer are discussed in more detail. 【樊代明文章】 Molecular genetics of esophageal cancer As esophageal carcinogenesis is poorly understood, many research works are being carried out to discover the precise mechanisms causing the metaplasia– dysplasia sequence of esophageal carcinoma at a molecular level. It is known that tumor suppressor genes, oncogenes, and apoptotic genes are involved in the initiation and development of esophageal cancer, but to date no gene directly related to esophageal cancer has been identified (Kwong et al., 2005). The key tumor related genes and their specific role which played in the development of esophageal cancer are discussed in more detail in following chapters. 【Dlamini文章】 3.4. p16INK4a and p15INK4b These are tumour suppressor genes and are localized to 9p21. This region has been shown to undergo hemizygous or homozygous deletion in a variety of tumour types [29]. These two genes encode two cyclin dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors which negatively regulates the cell from G1-S phase in proliferating cells, contributing to active pRb maintenance [30]. During the G1-S phase p16INK4a binds and inhibits CDK4/6 activity [31], and p15INK4b binds to cyclin D-dependent kinase and prevents p27 association. [32] p27 then binds to E-CDK2 complex, blocking the cell cycle at the G1-S boundary, risking cells to abnormally proliferate [32]. Aberrant methylation of p16INK4a has been found to be a key feature in human carcinogenesis and although aberrant methylation of p15INK4b also occurs it is found to occur less frequently in human oesophageal cancer in Lixian, China [29]. A common feature of p15INK4b is homozygous deletion, which also takes place in p16INK4a. 【樊代明文章】 (3) p16INK4a and p15INK4b Two tumor suppressor genes are localized at 9p21, Which has been shown to undergo hemizygous or homozygous deletion in a variety of tumor types. These two genes encode two cyclin dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors which negatively regulate the cell from G1-S phase in proliferating cells, contributing to active pRb maintenance (Morgan D, 1995). During the G1-S phase p16INK4a binds and inhibits CDK4/6 activity (Retnisdottir et al., 1997), and p15INK4b binds to cyclin D-dependent kinase and prevents p27 association(Kunisaki et al., 2004). p27 then binds to E-CDK2 complex, blocking the cell cycle at the G1-S boundary, risking cells to abnormally proliferate(Kunisaki et al., 2004). Aberrant methylation of p16INK4a has been found to be a key feature in human carcino-genesis, and although aberrant methylation of p15INK4b also occurs it is found to occur less frequently in human esophageal cancer in Lixian county, China (Xing et al., 1999). A common feature of p15INK4b is homozygous deletion, which also takes place in p16INK4a. 【Dlamini文章】 6. Angiogenesis Angiogenesis is the development of new blood vessels, which provide blood and nutrient supply to tumours to survive. Once the tumour is stable, it can then invade neighbouring cells leading to metastasis. In oesophageal cancer cells the increased expression of vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) stimulates endothelial proliferation and migration. Increased expression of VEGFs and VEGFRs (receptors) were detected in metaplastic tissues of the lower oesophagus but not in normal oesophageal epithelium, indicating sustained neovascular development early in Barrett's carcinogenesis [25]. 【樊代明文章】 Angiogenesis Angiogenesis is the development of new blood vessels, which provide blood and nutrient supply to tumors to survive. Once the tumor is stable, it can then invade neighbouring cells leading to metastasis. In esophageal cancer cells the increased expression of vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) stimulates endothelial proliferation and migration. Increased expression of VEGFs and VEGFRs (receptors) were detected in metaplastic tissues of the lower esophagus but not in normal esophageal epithelium, indicating sustained neovascular development early in Barrett’s carcinogenesis (Feagins et al., 2005). 【Dlamini文章】 7. Invasion and metastasis Invasion and metastasis of oesophageal cancer is poorly understood. The cell– cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) hold cells together, and believed to play an important role in metastasis of the cancer cell [25]. β-Catenin has been found to play a role in squamous oesophageal cancer cells, by its cell–cell adhesion function and interactions with the cytoskeleton and cadherin junctions of cells. β-Catenin has been implicated in the tranxxxxion of oncogenes such as c-myc, c-jun and cyclin D1, which are oncogenes frequently active in oesophageal cancer cells. The APC gene product targets β-catenin for degradation and prevents β-catenin dependent degradation. Increased β-catenin dependent tranxxxxion due to β- catenin binding to Fz receptors, mutations in β-catenin, APC, and increased β- catenin expression due to Fz receptor mutations, have all been found in adenocarcinomas and squamous oesophageal carcinomas [67]. It is therefore believed that down-regulation of β-catenin expression by antisense technology could be an effective treatment for oesophageal cancer [79]. 【樊代明文章】 Invasion and metastasis Invasion and metastasis of esophageal cancer is poorly understood. The cell– cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) hold cells together, and believed to play an important role in metastasis of the cancer cell (Kleespies et al., 2004). B-Catenin has been found to play a role in squamous esophageal cancer cells, by its cell–cell adhesion function and interactions with the cytoskeleton and cadherin junctions of cells. B-Catenin has been implicated in the tranxxxxion of oncogenes such as c-myc, c-jun and cyclin D1, which are oncogenes frequently active in esophageal cancer cells. The APC gene product targets B-catenin for degradation and prevents h-catenin dependent degradation. Increased B-catenin dependent tranxxxxion due to B- catenin binding to Fz receptors, mutations in B-catenin, APC, and increased B- catenin expression due to Fz receptor mutations, have all been found in adenocarcinomas and squamous esophageal carcinomas. It is therefore believed that down-regulation of hcatenin expression by antisense technology could be an effective treatment for esophageal cancer 本文引用地址:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-280034-616329.html (XYS20120924) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys7.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇