◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys5.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇ 瑞典人林瑞谷可以同时是上海交大和台湾交大的教授? 作者:GR   内地和台湾的大学都有些崇洋,因此在聘用洋教授时都有些轻忽。最近,上 海交大和位于台湾新竹的“国立”交通大学正在纳闷一件事,就是新竹交通大学 的瑞典学者林瑞谷(Erik Ringmar;中文又名林艾克)怎么突然变成了上海交大 的教授?今年二月中开学后,林瑞谷突然向新竹交通大学表示要辞职转往上海交 大(国际与公共事务学院,任致远讲席教授),可是几天后他又收回辞呈,说是 以后再辞。然而最近新竹交大发现,他竟然在外面说他已经是上海交大的教授, 在某个网站上他甚至说他同时是上海交大和新竹交大的教授。在互联网上发现的 证据至少有: 1. 在Linked in网站上林瑞谷说他同时是上海交大和(新竹)国立交通大学 (NCTU)的教授(http://tw.linkedin.com/pub/erik-ringmar/7/9ab/593;见 附件1); 2. 在zotero网站上,新竹交大发现林瑞谷在他的履历表中说自2011年春天起 他是上海交大的教授,还留了他在上海交大的地址,后来林瑞谷得到了风声,晓 得交大在调查他,便将上述网页的内容修改了 (http://www.zotero.org/erikringmar/cv;见附件2); 3. 不过在维基百科上林瑞谷仍写着他目前是上海交大的教授,至2010年他是 (新竹)国立交通大学的教授(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Ringmar; 见附件3); 4. 在Facebook上,林瑞谷也仍然引用维基百科的内容作为他的描述,说他目 前是上海交大的教授 (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Erik-Ringmar/106235886073417;见附件 4); 5. 2011年3月6号英国The Independent一篇关于伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)的 报导,其中Erik Ringmar针对LSE说三道四时,自称他是上海交大的教授 (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/gaddafi-s ons-lse-thesis-written-by-libyan-academic-2233667.html;见附件5红字部 份)。   林瑞谷明明还在新竹交大拿全薪,却在外面说他是上海交大的教授,这实在 是很不道德的事。而如果他同时在两边拿全薪,这在台湾恐构成刑事犯罪。又, 最近林瑞谷还想在新竹交大申请下学期(2011年8月1号起)休假半年(新竹交大 的薪水照拿),那么如果下学期起他已是上海交大的专任教师,这在台湾恐怕也 是犯法的。   附带一提,上海交大国际与公共事务学院有位叫左亚娜的讲师,曾在林艾克 编的书上发过一篇文章。 附件1:在Linked in网站上Erik Ringmar说他同时是上海交大和(新竹)国立交 通大学(NCTU)的教授。 http://tw.linkedin.com/pub/erik-ringmar/7/9ab/593 Erik Ringmar Zhi Yuan Chair Professor, International Relations at Shanghai Jiaotong University Current · Zhi Yuan Chair Professor, International Relations at Shanghai Jiaotong University · professor at NCTU · professor at National Chiao Tung University Past · professor at National Chao Tong Univeristy 附件2:在zotero网站上,新竹交大发现Erik Ringmar在他的cv中说自2011年春 天起他是上海交大的教授,还留了他在上海交大的地址,原文如下: Erik Ringmar (林瑞谷) I was born in Lule? in northern Sweden in 1960 and grew up in Sundsvall, a big industrial town on the Botnic Gulf. I went to the universities in Uppsala and Stockholm, where I studied Japanese language and political science, before going off to the US to do a PhD in political science at Yale University. Over the years I have also lived in Japan, Italy and Thailand and England. From the spring of 2011 I'm a professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China. I'm married to Diane Pranzo and we have four daughters: Saga Maria, 15 years old, Beata Amanda, 13, Yrsa Johanna, 10, Rima Birgitta, 7. contact details: · Shanghai Jiaotong University, SIPA, 海交通大学, 上海市徐汇 区华山路1954号, Shanghai, China · e-mail: erik@ringmar.net; alternative e-mail: erik.ivar.ringmar@gmail.com   后来Erik Ringmar得到了风声,晓得交大在调查他,便将上述网页的内容改 为如下: http://www.zotero.org/erikringmar/cv Erik Ringmar (林瑞谷) I was born in Lule? in northern Sweden in 1960 and grew up in Sundsvall, a big industrial town on the Botnic Gulf. I went to the universities in Uppsala and Stockholm, where I studied Japanese language and political science, before going off to the US to do a PhD in political science at Yale University. Over the years I have also lived in Japan, Italy and Thailand and England. From the spring of 2007 I'm a professor at the National Jiaotong University, Xinzhu, Taiwan. I'm married to Diane Pranzo and we have four daughters: Saga Maria, 14 years old, Beata Amanda, 12, Yrsa Johanna, 9, Rima Birgitta, 6. contact details: · National Jiaotong University, NCTU, Center for General Education, 1001 Daxue Road, Xinzhu 300-10, Taiwan ROC · e-mail: linreigu@ringmar.net web pages:www.ringmar.net 附件3:不过在维基百科上Erik Ringmar仍写着他目前是上海交大的教授;至 2010年他是(新竹)国立交通大学的教授。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Ringmar Erik Ringmar (Chinese: 林瑞谷; pinyin: Línruìgǔ; Wade-Giles: Lin Reigu) is a Swedish academic, currently Zhi Yuan Chair Professor professor of International Relations at Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. He graduated with a PhD from the Department of Political Science, Yale University, in 1993. Between 1995 and 2007 he was a senior lecturer in the Department of Government at the London School of Economics, United Kingdom, and until 2010 professor in Social and Cultural Studies at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. Ringmar is a Faculty Associate of the Center for Cultural Sociology, Yale University. 附件4: 在Facebook上,Erik Ringmar也仍然引用维基百科的内容作为他的描述, 说他目前是上海交大的教授。 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Erik-Ringmar/106235886073417 Erik Ringmar 作者 描述 来自维基百科 - 自由的百科全书 Erik Ringmar (Chinese: 林瑞谷; pinyin: Línruìgǔ; Wade-Giles: Lin Reigu) is a Swedish academic, currently Zhi Yuan Chair Professor professor of International Relations at Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. He graduated with a PhD from the Department of Political Science, Yale University, in 1993. Between 1995 and 2007 he was a senior lecturer in the Department of Government at the London School of Economics, United Kingdom, and until 2010 professor in Social and Cultural Studies at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. Ringmar is a Faculty Associate of the Center for Cultural Sociology, Yale University. 附件5:2011年3月6号英国The Independent一篇关于伦敦政治经济学院(LSE) 的报导,其中Erik Ringmar针对LSE说三道四时,自称他是上海交大的教授(见 红字部份)。 The Independent http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/gaddafi-sons-lse-thesis-written-by-libyan-academic-2233667.html Gaddafi son's LSE thesis 'written by Libyan academic' College sets up inquiry into Saif Gaddafi's PhD and the £1.5m donation he later made By Jonathan Owen Sunday, 6 March 2011 Erik Ringmar, a professor in international relations at Shanghai Jiaotong University, said: "I was David Held's colleague from 2001 until 2007. For the first two years we worked closely together as fellow members of the MSc in comparative politics." He described an incident in late 2002, when Professor Held "insisted I accept a student to our MSc programme who was a relative of Sidney Blumenthal, a Clinton crony. Unusually, I was sent an applicant's file not from the admissions office, as always was the case, but straight from the office of the LSE director – at that time Anthony Giddens. In the [applicant's] file was a handwritten note from 'Sid' to 'Tony,' making the case that accepting his niece to do a degree at the LSE would be a wonderful opportunity to 'continue to deepen our trans-Atlantic ties'." (XYS20110514) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys5.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇