◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇ 意大利科学家指控华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室剽窃其论文 【方舟子按:意大利科学家Simone Libralato给我写信,反映华东师范大学河口 海岸学国家重点实验室Feijun ZHANG, Chunfu TONG, Zhifa XIE and Jianjian LU等人(通讯作者为陆健健教授)剽窃其论文。现征得其同意,将来信翻译成中 文发表。Simone Libralato在另一封信中指出,Feijun ZHANG等人不仅照抄文字, 还照抄插图。 被剽窃的论文:Libralato S., Torricelli P., and Pranovi F. (2006) Ecological Modelling 192(3-4): 571-585. 剽窃的论文 Zhang, F., Tong, C., Xie, Z., and Lu, J. (2007) Integrative Zoology 2 (1): 1-9. 】 亲爱的方是民,   我在意大利报纸上读到你的事迹,决定给你写信,因为我在2006年发表的一 篇论文在1年后被一组中国科学家剽窃了。这一剽窃行为已在2008年被认定,但 是两份有关的国际学术刊物的编辑几乎不采取什么行动。   例如,编辑们在收到几封电子邮件和要求后,考虑了这个案例,对它做了评 价,但是不知道究竟应该怎么办。我要求从该刊物网站上撤销这篇剽窃论文,但 是这看来是不可能的。发表这篇剽窃论文的刊物的编辑写了一篇撤稿启事,但是 该剽窃论文还能被下载、引用!   我对抄袭论文的中国同行并无个人恩怨,但是编辑的反应如此轻微,我想这 并不能阻止抄袭,也不能减少对剽窃论文的不恰当引用。   互联网做为一个公共窗口,看来是让公众了解这些事实的唯一解决办法,让 人们能够自己采取行动(例如同行们或许会决定不引用Zhang et al. 2008论 文)。   同时,在国际刊物上发表论文能否得到保护,也让人深表怀疑:如果刊物允 许他人抄袭我们的东西,为什么要求我们签署版权信呢?   谢谢你的努力和你的考虑,如果你读完这封信的话。   又:我附上我的原来论文(Libralato et al., 2006)和剽窃的论文(Zhang et al., 2007):在两篇论文中我都标注了一些文字部分,显示大幅度的复制/张 贴的做法。我也附上已发表的撤稿启事。 Dear Fang Shimin, I read about your activity in an Italian newspaper and I decided to write you because a paper of mine published in 2006 has been copied by a cinese group of scientist one year later. This plagiarism has been certified (in 2008) BUT the editors of both scientific international journals involved did very little. For instance the editors, after several e-mails and requests, considered the case, evaluated it and didn't know exactly what to do. I requested the retraction of the plagiarism paper from the journal website, but this seemed impossible. Instead the editor of the journal that published the copied paper wrote a retraction statement (attached). However, the copied paper can be downloaded and cited! I don't have anything personal against the cinese colleagues that copied, but the reaction of the editors is so negligeable that I don't think it will serve to discourage copying, nor it will serve to reduce improper citation of the copied paper. Internet, as a public window, seems the only solution that might help putting these facts on the public and allow for personal actions to be taken (for instance, colleagues might decide not to cite Zhang et al., 2008). Meantime, the usefulness of publishing in international journals for protecting scientific material is seriously questionable: why the journals ask us to sign a copyright letter if they allow others to copy our material? thanks for your effort and for your consideration in case you reach the end of this letter. best regards Simone Libralato PS: I attach my original paper (Libralato et al., 2006) and the copied paper (Zhang et al., 2007): in both I highlighted some text just to show the high degree of .... cut and paste operated. I atteched also the retraction statement published. -- Simone Libralato Ecology and Computational Hydrodynamics in Oceanography Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS Borgo Grotta Gigante - Brisciki 42/c 34010 Sgonico - Zgonik (TS) ITALY Phone: +39 040 2140376 Fax: +39 040 2140266 (XYS20100202) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇