◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇   评“一图多用的范例——复旦大学软件学院李银胜”   作者:也说一句   方先生好!   读了贵网站的两个帖子:2.24《一图多用的范例——复旦大学软件学院李银 胜》和2.27《当事者说明——“一图多用的范例——复旦大学软件学院李银 胜”》,有点感想。从作者的解释看,作者不太清楚把同一图用在不同的会议或 不同的学报中是一种学术不端行为,若如此,估计就不会只是几幅图相同了。好 奇之下就浏览了这8篇论文,发现会议论文7[A Global Model based Service-Oriented Software Engineering Platform]和会议论文6[Multi-Model Driven Collaborative Development Platform for Service-Oriented e-Business Systems]、会议论文5 [A Service-Oriented Development Platform with Precise Service Discovery]、会议论文4[A Service-Oriented Collaborative Development Platform for Digital Courts]中的一些文字段落 也相同:   (1)会议论文7和会议论文6   会议论文7的3.1Collaborative and integrated architecture的第一自然 段“The architecture of the collaborative platform is shown in Figure 1. The platform support service oriented software engineering and application developments. It employs three views, i.e., business view, process view, and service view to support business and technical consultants’ collaboration. Business consultants focus more on business view and process view and technical consultants on process view and service view. Consultants can collaborate from distributed sites of, e.g., customers (on the spot) and IT vendors to provide service-oriented e-Business planning and integration, process reengineering and application development. A business consultant models the business by communicating with customers to collect business requirements, define business objects and their relationships, including services and service providers, and plan business processes through a business view and visualized tools. A technical consultant (engineer) improves the business model and uses his/her service-oriented knowledge and IT language to reengineer business processes, provide necessary information on the internal processes, and implement Web services through a process view and a service view.”,和论文6的3.1节的第一自然段相同。   (2)会议论文7和会议论文5   会议论文7的3.2. Business, process and service views to support service-oriented software engineering中的第三、四自然段“To create an e-business solution, a business consultant starts with the business view and identifies involved business services, IT services, service providers and their relationships (No. 1 - No.10) for the given business, and based on the collected requirements through communication with the customers. He can choose a business template and design by customization, if there are such templates. He can transfer to the process view to define the business properties of the selected processes. On the other sides, technical consultants use process view to define the selected processes, with service oriented implementation knowledge. Based on a selected process, technical consultants can search service directory to check the involved services. The services can be bound to the process if they are accessible. Otherwise the consultant has to transfer to service view to create those services by customization if there are services to be templates, or create a new one on the Web services workspace of the service view (As illustrated by Figure 2 on the left ) . Another way is to search online sources to find the services that are available, reliable and qualified in the given business. The above operations are repeatable and consultants can navigate three views to collaborate for a complete business solution design.”,和会议论文5的3. Service discovery scenario 中的第四、五自然段相同。   (3)会议论文7和会议论文4   会议论文7的5.1 Scenarios of developing justice systems中的第一、二、 三自然段“by providing typical courts business processes, BPEL processes and court services. Patterns and best practices are adopted when constructing court business template, court process template and court service repository. Users can also apply business patterns and SOA patterns in three view of the development platform when building digital courts. For example, typical registration process are modeled in business view and stored as a template in SOA platform for digital courts. The process itself can be implemented as level 0 legal registration services. The process is implemented by invoking judge, charge and registry services etc. Typical services of judge, charge and registry are implemented in service view of the platform. In process view of the platform, process model framework is transformed from business view. Detailed BPEL information is added to invoke technical services. When a court business engineer finds the registration process template is useful, he may test it in a browser. If some of business processes need to be modified, the modification would be based on model and patterns can be applied. After modifying of business process, the processes will be modified automatically by the platform. Technical engineer can add more BPEL information. The modified BPEL process will be execute again to demonstrate the effect of modified process.”,和会议论文4中的6. Case Study and Evaluation的 第二、三、四自然段相同。   会议论文7的5.2 Distributed design on the platform中的第一自然段 “suppose user A is responsible for business modeling of legal registration process. After a version of model is finished, user A would check in to upload the business model to global model repository through the collaborative server. The collaborative server checks the rights of user A and store the business model, user and version information in global model repository. Suppose that user A find the charge service invoked in legal registration is complex and should be further modeled, user A can delegate the task to user B. The delegation information will also be uploaded and stored in global model repository.”,和会议论文4的 5. Versioned Remote Collaborative Platform for Digital Courts第二自然段相同。 (XYS20100303) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇