◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys5.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇   邓子新院士还真是习惯性地玩弄“虚假”吓唬人手法   作者:若想   昨天读了若望在《邓子新院士的“瑞典国王奖”》(XYS20101130)一文中谈 的事实,使我们这些多年的老兄老弟想到了他常年的习惯还是没改,同时联想到 了他的另一事件,即他有一日突然成为了一位伟大的美国微生物科学院院士的报 道(参见交大网页中的下文 http://www.sjtu.edu.cn/news/shownews.php?id=24975)。   “邓子新教授当选美国微生物科学院院士[发布时间]:2010 年 03 月02 日, 日前,我校中科院院士邓子新教授被美国微生物科学院(American Academy of Microbiology,AAM)遴选为院士 (Fellow)。”   幸亏住在美国不受网页限制,因此只用了几分钟就查到相关信息,弄了个水 落石出。   在笔者的印象中,美国只有三个国家承认的科学院(科学院,医学科学院和 工程院),因此一直没想明白怎么会又出了一个什么美国微生物科学院院士?查 了一下网页(见下),什么都明白了,邓院士原来在玩弄国人心目中习惯性理解 的“院士”词汇吓唬国人?Academy不是也可以翻译成学校、学院和学会吗?偏 偏不选。这个所谓的“美国微生物科学院”充其量是有一定门槛的科学团体,国 家科学院院士的培育班,需要交纳会员费。用“院士”字眼吓唬不懂的人实属卑 鄙!动机与目的显而易见!真是再现了又一个杨校长?靠欺骗获取职称和职位对 其他人当然不公!是一类具备比他人“攀高”技巧高明得多的肮脏家伙!使尽浑 身解数,弄虚弄假,奋力上爬,谁还能保证这些人不在学术上造假!对于这类小 人,社会将如何处办?   About the NAS   http://www.nasonline.org/site/PageServer?pagename=ABOUT_main_page   The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is an honorific society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance of science and technology and to their use for the general welfare.   The NAS was established by an Act of Congress that was signed by President Abraham Lincoln on March 3, 1863, at the height of the Civil War, which calls upon the NAS to "investigate, examine, experiment, and report upon any subject of science or art" whenever called upon to do so by any department of the government. Scientific issues would become more complex in the years following the war, and to expand the expertise available to it in its advisory service to the government, the NAS created the National Research Council under its charter in 1916. To keep pace with the growing roles that science and technology would play in public life, the National Academy of Engineering was established under the NAS charter in 1964, and the Institute of Medicine followed in 1970.   The American Academy of Microbiology   Fellows栏目http: //academy.asm.org/index.php/fellows/fellows   Over the last 50 years, 2,700 distinguished scientists have been elected to the Academy. Fellows are elected through a highly selective, annual, peer review process, based on their records of scientific achievement and original contributions that have advanced microbiology. A Committee on Election to Fellowship, consisting of Fellows of the Academy who are elected by the membership, reviews all nominations for Fellowship and recommends to the Board of Governors what action should be taken.   Each elected Fellow has built an exemplary career in basic and applied research, teaching, clinical and public health, industry or government service. Election to Fellowship indicates recognition of distinction in microbiology by one’s peers. Over 200 Academy Fellows have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, while many have also been honored with Nobel Prizes, Lasker Awards, and the National Medal of Science. (XYS20101202) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys5.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇