◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇   歹徒袭击了中国科学界的监察者   记者:郝炘   美国《科学》2010年8月30日 (翻译:ziren)   自命的中国科学造假的揭露者方是民昨天下午在北京被袭击。方是民用他更 为人熟知的笔名方舟子在其网站新语丝和微博上揭露科学不端行为,戳穿各种医 疗骗局和伪科学说辞,揪出用虚假学位和无中生有的论文编造简历的骗子。   有人曾借质疑方辛辣文风用数起名誉案打击方舟子。但是昨天的袭击——如 果与他讨伐造假有关——把事情推向一个新的高度。根据方发表在新语丝上的叙 述,星期天下午5点左右他和两名电视记者走出位于其复式公寓附近的一家茶楼。 这两名记者刚刚就自称拥有超自然能力的道士李一的问题采访了方。当方目送两 位记者上了出租车后,一男子从旁窜出,朝他面部喷洒不明物体。方立即奔向街 对面,另一男子手持铁锤紧随追击并瞄准其头部掷出铁锤。一击未中,该男子拾 起铁锤再次扔向方,砸在方的后背上致其瘀伤。方跑进小区之后马上报警,两名 男子也遂即离开。直到《科学》报道的时候,方舟子还没有回复采访的要求,身 份不明的凶手仍然在逃。北京警方确认已经展开调查。   这起事件有令人不安的先例。今年6月,两名男子曾试图杀害中国《财经》 杂志的科学记者方玄昌。方玄昌和方舟子并非亲属关系,但他们是朋友并以揭露 中国科学界丑陋的阴暗面著称。方玄昌被袭的案件尚未告破。    http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2010/08/assailants-attack-ch inas-science.html   Assailants Attack China's Science Watchdog   by Hao Xin on 30 August 2010, 8:21 AM   China's self-appointed science fraud buster was assaulted yesterday afternoon in Beijing. Fang Shimin, better known by his pen name Fang Zhouzhi, has used his Web site New Threads and his microblog to expose scientific misconduct, debunk crackpot medicine and pseudoscience claims, and catch cheaters who falsify resumes with fake degrees and nonexistent publications.   Fang has been slammed with libel suits contesting his often-acerbic exposés. But yesterday's attack—if it was linked to his antifraud crusade—takes things to a new level. According to Fang's account posted on New Threads, he came out of a teahouse near his apartment complex around 5 p.m. on Sunday with two TV journalists who had interviewed him about Li Yi, a Daoist abbot who has claimed to have performed supernatural feats. After Fang saw the journalists into a taxi, a man walked up and sprayed something in his face. When Fang ran across the street, a second man chased him with an iron hammer and threw it at his head. Fang dodged the hammer. The man picked it up and threw it again, hitting and bruising Fang in the back. After Fang ran into his apartment complex, the two men left and he called the police. As Science went to press, Fang had not responded to a request for comment, and the unidentified assailants remained at large. Beijing's police department confirms it has opened an investigation.   The incident has a disturbing precedent. In June, two men tried to kill science journalist Fang Xuanchang of the Chinese magazine Caijing. Fang Xuanchang is not related to Fang Zhouzi, but the two are friends and renowned for muckraking the seamy underside of Chinese science. The attack on Fang Xuanchang remains unsolved. (XYS20100831) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇