◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys3.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇ 回复辛海子《国家海洋局一所乔副所长申称破解世界难题》   新语丝编辑部:   经国外友人提醒,非常遗憾地注意到贵网站2009年4月25日(昨天)将本人 列入了你们网站要打的造假者。本来,学术打假对于促进学术的健康发展的积极 意义不言而喻。但如果新语丝不搞清楚事实,就直接发布某个不负责任的作者的 文章,恐怕会对新语丝将来的信誉有影响,并会对打假的可信度造成伤害。   对于辛海子的指控,我感到很无奈。坦率地讲,作为一名科技工作者,本人 并不喜好“重大突破”、“震动”之类的媒体语言。但科技日报、中国海洋报、 包括新语丝引用的2006年6月11日等的报道实质内容还是属实的。   首先介绍一下该研究的背景。海洋和气候数值模式的重要性无须我在此赘述。 气候模式包含海洋。引起世界广泛关注的IPCC报告主要就是依据气候模式。   但遗憾的是,目前所有海洋模式和气候模式均存在较为严重的共性问题。 (1)所有海洋模式模拟的夏季表层温度偏高,温跃层偏浅(见文献:Martin, 1985; Kantha and Clayson, 1994; Ezer, 2000);(2)如果不经过资料同化 (一种对模式的人为外界干预),所有气候模式均存在热带偏差(见文献: Mechoso et al, 1995; Davey et al, 2002)。而这些偏差是如此严重,以至于 气候模式所模拟的赤道太平洋部分海域海面温度偏差达到1度以上(被称为“赤 道冷舌”),甚至赤道大西洋的温度梯度观测和模拟是完全相反的。关于海洋模 式存在共性问题可参见Qiao et al (2004, GRL)和Qiao et al (2008, Acta Oceanologica Sinica),气候模式存在共性问题可以参见Song et al(2007)。   我们在面对这些问题时,觉得解决问题的切入点是在更好地模拟海洋大气间 的通量交换,而海洋表层混合的改进是最关键之处。在此认识下,我们发展了海 浪-环流耦合理论,并把此理论应用到气候系统模式中,结果证明,我们的理论 框架和实际应用对这些现象均有显著改进。   作为严肃的中国科研人员或者关注中国科技发展的科学爱好者,我们在不要 夜郎自大的同时,也不要妄自菲薄,更没有必要听到国人有超过国外研究的成果 就怀疑其真实性。本人2009年2月在台湾当着海洋数值模式权威专家、美国普林 斯顿大学George Mellor教授【世界广泛影响的普林斯顿海洋数值模式创建者】 的面,告诉他,考虑我们的耦合理论后比他原来的模式要好的多。我们有作为中 国海洋学者的足够自信、而非自负。   我也希望,贵网站在讨论问题时,不要模糊身份。本人做上述研究是作为研 究员,而不是副所长。这种联系往往给观众一个错觉,官员=造假。相信你们有 你们的信息了解渠道,本人做科研时是一名合格的研究员,做管理工作时也是一 名称职的副所长。   希望不吝赐教   附件1:2004年以来已发表的部分相关论文   附件2:部分引用情况   国家海洋局第一海洋研究所   乔方利研究员   2009年4月26日   qiaofl@fio.org.cn   附件:   1、2004年以来已发表的部分相关论文   1) Surface wave-circulation coupled theory   (1) Fangli Qiao, Yeli Yuan, Yongzeng Yang, Quanan Zheng, Changshui Xia and Jian Ma,2004 Wave-induced mixing in the upper ocean: Distribution and application in a global ocean circulation model, Geophysical Research Letter,31:L11303,doi:10.1029/2004GL019824.   (2) Fangli Qiao, Yongzeng Yang, Changshui Xia and Yeli Yuan, 2008. The role of surface waves in the ocean mixed layer. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 27(3):30-37.   2)Application of Bv in coastal circulation models   (3) Fangli Qiao, Changshui Xia, Jianwei Shi, Jian Ma, Renfeng Ge and Yeli Yuan, 2004. Seasonal variability of thermocline in the Yellow Sea, Chinese J. Oceanology and Limnology, 22(3): 299-305.   (4) Jian Ma and Fangli Qiao, 2004, Simulation and analysis on seasonal variability of average salinity in the Yellow Sea, Chinese J. Oceanology and Limnology, 22(3): 306-313.   (5) Jian Ma, Fangli Qiao, Changshui Xia and Yongzeng Yang, 2004. Tidal effects on temperature front in the Yellow Sea, Chinese J. Oceanology and Limnology, 22(3): 314-321.   (6) Changshui Xia, Fangli Qiao, Mengning Zhang, Yongzeng Yang and Yeli Yuan, 2004. Simulation of double cold cores of the 35°N section in the Yellow Sea with a wave-tide-circulation coupled model, Chinese J. Oceanology and Limnology, 22(3): 292-298.   (7) Fangli Qiao, Jian Ma, Changshui Xia, Yongzeng Yang and Yeli Yuan,2006. Influence of the surface wave-induced and tidal mixing on vertical temperature structure of the Yellow and East China Seas in summer, Progress in Natural Science,16(7):739-746.   (8) Qiao, F., Y. Yang, X. Lü, C. Xia, X. Chen, B. Wang, and Y. Yuan (2006), Coastal upwelling in the East China Sea in winter, J. Geophys. Res., 111, C11S06, doi:10.1029/2005JC003264.   (9) Xia, C., F. Qiao, Y. Yang, J. Ma, and Y. Yuan (2006), Three-dimensional structure of the summertime circulation in the Yellow Sea from a wave-tide-circulation coupled model, J. Geophys. Res., 111, C11S03, doi:10.1029/2005JC003218.   (10) Lü, X., F. Qiao, C. Xia, J. Zhu, and Y Yuan (2006), Upwelling off Yangtze River estuary in summer, J. Geophys. Res., 111, C11S08, doi:10.1029/2005JC003250.   (11) Ma, J., F. Qiao, C. Xia, and C. S. Kim (2006), Effects of the Yellow Sea Warm Current on the winter temperature distribution in a numerical model, J. Geophys. Res., 111, C11S04, doi:10.1029/2005JC003171.   (12) Lü Xingang, Fangli Qiao, Changshui Xia, Yeli Yuan, 2007, Tidally induced upwelling off Yangtze River estuary and in Zhejiang coastal waters in summer. Sci. China Ser. D - Earth Sci., 50(3), 462-473. doi: 10.1007/ s11430-007-2050-0.   (13) Lü, X., F. Qiao, G. Wang, C. Xia, and Y. Yuan (2008), Upwelling off the west coast of Hainan Island in summer: Its detection and mechanisms, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L02604, doi:10.1029/2007GL032440.   (14) Guansuo Wang and Fangli Qiao, 2008. Ocean Temperature Responses to Typhoon Mstsa in the East China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica,27(4):26-38.   3) Application of Bv in global ocean circulation models   (15) Changshui Xia, Fangli Qiao, Qinghua Zhang and Yeli Yuan, 2004. Numerical modelling of the quasi-global ocean circulation based on POM, Journal of Hydrodynamics,16(5):537-543.   4) Application of Bv in climate models   (16) Zhenya Song, Fangli Qiao, Yongzeng Yang and Yeli Yuan,2007, An improvement of the too cold tongue in the tropical Pacific with the development of an ocean-wave-atmosphere coupled numerical model, Progress in Natural Science,17(5):576-583.   (17) 宋振亚,乔方利,赵伟,2009,波致混合对CCSM3气候模式预 测能力的改进,自然科学进展,19(2):203-211。   (18) Chuanjiang Huang, Fangli Qiao and Zhenya Song, 2008. The effect of the wave-induced mixing on the upper ocean temperature in a climate model. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 27(3):104-111.   2、部分引用情况(按照时间排序,括号内粗字体的为文章中原话:)   (1) 第一作者Dr. Xiaopei Lin来自中国海洋大学;第二作者是美国夏威 夷大学Shang-Ping Xie教授,在海洋与气侯研究领域是世界优秀科学家。他们直 接应用的我们的方法,对渤海夏季有显著改进,论文发表在美国J. of Geophysical Research。   Lin et al(2006, JGR)直接将该方法应用到渤海(Xiaopei Lin, Shang-Ping Xie, Xinping Chen, and Lingling Xu,A well-mixed warm water column in the central Bohai Sea in summer: Effects of tidal and surface wave mixing,J. of Geophysical Research, VOL. 111, C11017, doi:10.1029/2006JC003504, 2006),其模拟效果发生了本质变化(图6a和7a比 较)。【We include the Qiao-Yuan scheme for the wave-induced mixing in our numerical study. Following Qiao et al. [2004b, 2006], we add the wave-induced mixing coefficient Bv calculated from the MASNUM wave model to the coefficient derived from the Mellor-Yamada scheme】。   (2)Babanin教授澳大利亚Swinburne University of Technology,是海浪 领域的优秀专家。   Babanin(2006, GRL)(A. V. Babanin,On a wave-induced turbulence and a wave-mixed upper ocean layer,Geophysical Research Letters, VOL. 33, L20605, doi:10.1029/2006 GL027308, 2006)认为波浪的作用对上层海洋 至关重要,并指出其文章的主要想法与Qiao(2004,GRL)一致【Qiao et al. [2004] brought in wave-induced turbulent viscosity and applied it in a global ocean circulation model to predict the upper-ocean mixing. To solve the closure problem, they introduced the mixing length of the wave-induced turbulence proportional to the range of the wave particle displacement. This is quite the same idea as that of the present paper where the problem is approached on the basis of experimental evidence and the wave-amplitude-proportional turbulent scale follows from our Reynolds number hypothesis.】。   (3)Matsuno教授来自日本Kyushu University,是物理海洋特别是垂向混 合领域的专家。   Matsuno等(2006, JGR)(Takeshi Matsuno, Joon-Soo Lee, Manabu Shimizu, Sang-Hyun Kim,and Ig-Chan Pang,Measurements of the turbulent energy dissipation rate E and an evaluation of the dispersion process of the Changjiang Diluted Water in the East China Sea,J. of Geophysical Research, VOL. 111, C11S09, doi:10.1029/ 2005JC003196, 2006)在东海所作的垂向混合观测认为与海浪混合理论相符合【The significant large value of ε dropped to 1/100 beneath the pycnocline, which agree with the argument suggested by Qiao et al(2004).】。   (4)Polnikov教授来自俄罗斯科学院Oboukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics,是物理海洋专家。   Polnikov等(2006,Ocean Modelling)(V.G. Polnikov a, P. Tkalich, Influence of the wind waves dissipation processes on dynamics in the water upper layer,Ocean Modelling, 11:193–213,2006)认为小尺度运动 对气泡卷入和垂向混合非常重要。   (5)Ruixin Huang教授来自美国Woods Hole Ocenographic Institution, 是海洋环流领域的国际著名专家。   Huang et al(2007, JGR)(Huang, R. X., C. J. Huang, and W. Wang, Dynamical roles of mixed layer in regulating the meridional mass/heat fluxes, J. of Geophysical Research, 112, C05036, doi:10.1029/2006JC004046, 2007)认为,我们将传统海洋环流模式与海浪模式 的耦合可以提供海洋环流更加清晰的动力学图象 【It is speculated that a direct coupling between the traditional ocean general circulation model(OGCM) and a surface wave model (SWM) may provide a much better dynamical picture of the oceanic circulation [e.g., Noh et al., 2002; Qiao et al., 2004]. 】。   (6) 挪威萡根大学Arild Sundfjord在博士论文中(第37页)提出,在下一 步工作中需要考虑波浪的作用【Qiao et al(2004) defined a wave-induced vertical diffusivity from the Reynolds stress expression. When adding this to the diffusivity calculated from the MY scheme they reported improved simulation of temperature distribution in the upper 100m. This should also be tested in future SINMOD simulations with the MY scheme, possibly with an adaption for the region close to the ice edge.】。在正式发表在2008年, Deep Sea Research 上的文章中作了类似的引 用:【Qiao et al. (2004) defined a wave- induced vertical diffusivity from the Reynolds stress expression. When adding this to the diffusivity calculated in the MY scheme they reported improved simulation of temperature distribution in the upper 100m.】。 (XYS20090427) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys3.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇