◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys3.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇   何怀宏考辨《沉思录》版本的“来历”   作者:高山杉   (《东方早报·上海书评》2009年4月5日)   《后汉书·西域传》记曰:“至桓帝延熹九年,大秦王安敦遣使自日南徼外 献象牙、犀角、瑇瑁,乃始一通焉。”《后汉书·桓帝纪》亦载:“(延熹九年 九月)大秦国王遣使奉献。”据近代东西交通史家考证,延熹九年为公元166年, “大秦”指罗马帝国,“大秦王安敦”或“大秦国王”相当于公元161年至180年 之间在位的Marcus Aurelius Antoninus(121-180),即时下家弦户诵,汉译本 已经多达二十六种,并有“员工版”及“青少版”面世之《沉思录》作者,罗马 皇帝、斯多噶派哲学家马可·奥勒留。   《沉思录》汉译本最流行者,为北京大学哲学系教授何怀宏所译,其所据原 本为不列颠百科全书出版公司“Great Books of the Western World”丛书重印 的英国古典学家George Long(1800-1879)英译本。关于何教授译本的质量,我 十分赞同网友启钧先生的评论:“喜欢《沉思录》是一回事,喜欢《沉思录》中 文版又是一回事。至少我相信,那些外国名人喜欢的不是中文版。”(启钧《化 神奇为腐朽的〈沉思录〉中文版》)去年年中,何教授趁热打铁,隆重推出《何 怀宏品读〈沉思录〉》(江苏人民出版社,2008年7月)。他所“品”的,正是 自己的何氏译本,也就是启钧先生所说“又是一回事”的本子。这样一来,这本 书的绝大部分内容,对我或者启钧先生这类读者来说就失去吸引力了。   当然,我并不是说《品读》一书全无价值,比如最后四页(第249-252页) 的短文“《沉思录》的流传与版本”,就提供了很多以前不见于中文文献的版本 学知识。《品读》不是一本严格的学术著作,可是“《沉思录》的流传与版本” 却包含了严格意义上的学术内容,表现出作者是充分意识到传播这类版本学知识 的重要性和急迫性的。唯一可惜的是,何教授没有明确标出这些版本学知识的来 源。我想,它们应该不是何教授自己独立研究出来的罢。细读这篇文字,我逐渐 发觉很多句子十分面善,应该在哪里见到过。这里斗胆问何教授一句,我猜您该 不是从George Long《沉思录》英译本译者导言,以及Pierre Hadot(法国人, 古代哲学史大家)的权威著作《安敦帝〈省身录〉研究》(The Inner Citadel: The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, Harvard University Press,1998)第 二章前两节(pp.21-25;分别讲《沉思录》版本源流和得名因缘)里面抄译过来 的吧?   讲道理不如摆事实,下面我就把Long英译者导言、Hadot《安敦帝〈省身录〉 研究》与何教授《品读〈沉思录〉》中极为相似的文句对照排列在下面,共得十 条。让我们同Long、Hadot与何教授一起来考辨《沉思录》的版本源流!   何怀宏:在他死后,这些笔记可能由其亲友或崇拜者保留下来了,但它当时 是否就已经被复制,我们不得而知……   Hadot:At his death,the notes Marcus wrote in this way were saved and conserved by a family member(亲), a friend(友), or an admirer (崇拜者). Was it ever published, that is to say, copied down(已经被 复制)and distributed to bookstores? It is difficult to say.   何怀宏:在奥勒留身后近两百年,约公元350年,的确还是有一位哲学家 Themistius在其讲演录中谈到过奥勒留写过“自我训诫”的作品。有些历史学家 也谈到奥勒留的一些哲学思考片段……   Hadot:It does seem that, two centuries after Marcus, the philosopher Themistius knew of the existence of the work: he speaks of paraggelmata or “exhortations” written by Marcus. The historian Aurelius Victor and the Historia Augusta claim that Marcus…had publicly set forth the precepts of his philosophy in the form of a series of exhortations.   何怀宏:……但只是到公元十世纪拜占庭帝国时期,我们才发现有可靠的证 据证明奥勒留的著作在被阅读和复制。在一本当时出版的拜占庭的大辞典《苏达 大辞典》中,有大约30条来自《沉思录》的引文,并明确提到奥勒留的著作有十 二卷,称之为“个人生活的准则”。书中还有几个条目也提到了奥勒留的著作, 其中提到了皇帝的名字,但是没有作品的名字。   Hadot:It was not until the Byzantine tenth century that we find testimonies to the reading and copying of Marcus’ works. The great Byzantine lexicon entitled the Souda, which dates from that period, contains several extracts from the Meditations, and specifies that Marcus Aurelius’ work consists of twelve books.   Long: Suidas notices a work of Antoninus in twelve books, which he names the “the conduct of his own life”;and he cites the book under several words in his Dictionary, giving the emperor’s name, but not the title of the work.   何怀宏:而且,有一位小亚细亚的主教Arethas也在907年的一封信中提到他 有一本这位哲学家皇帝的著作抄本,在他自己的著述中,他也引用过《沉思录》 的一些段落。   Hadot: In addition, the bishop Arethas, in a letter of 907 addressed to Demetrius, metropolitan of Heraclea, speaks of a copy of the philosopher-emperor’s work in his possession…There are, moreover, several literal quotations from the Meditations in Arethas’ works.   何怀宏:然而,在西方世界,奥勒留的书到了十六世纪才开始流行。1559 (一说1558)年是一个里程碑,这一年,一个印刷的版本在苏黎世出现,它是根 据一个现在已经遗失的希腊文手抄本出版的,这个版本还包含了由Xylander翻译 的拉丁语译文。除了这个最早的印刷版本以外,梵蒂冈图书馆现在还藏有一个十 四世纪的完整的手抄本。   Hadot: In the West, we do not find quotations from Marcus until the beginning of the sixteenth century…It was not until 1559 that a printed edition appeared, brought out by Andreas Gesner of Zurich. Based on a now-lost manuscript,this edition was accompanied by a Latin translation made by Xylander(Wilhelm Holzmann). Besides this edition, we have only one complete manuscript of the Emperor’s works, the Vaticanus Graecus 1950, which dates from the fourteenth century.   何怀宏:其中最完整的一个版本是托马斯?盖特克于1652年出版的。盖特克 作了许多重要的订正,还做出了一个新的拉丁文版本。他在每一段的空白处都加 上了附注,指明其他与之类似的段落,并写了一个评注。这是古代学者的评注中 最为全面的评注,包括了编者对某些较为困难的章节的说明,还引用了所有古代 希腊和罗马的学者对这些文本的说明。   Long:The most complete edition is that by Thomas Gataker, 1652… Gataker made many and suggested many good corrections, and he also made a new Latin version…He added in the margin opposite to each paragraph references to the other parallel passages; and he wrote a commentary, one of the most complete that has been written on any ancient author.[何怀宏的话如果译自这里,那译文就有错误,应该翻成“(盖 特克评注为)关于古代文人的评注中最完备者之一”]This commentary contains the editor’s exposition of the more difficult passages, and quotations from all the Greek and Roman writers for the illustration of the text. [情况同上,译文大误,应该翻成“(盖特克评注中)包含了所有 有助于解明《沉思录》原典的散见于希腊罗马文人作品中的《沉思录》引文”]   何怀宏:而其原来的希腊语版本也得到进一步的整理出版:在德国,希腊语 版本由J.M.舒尔兹于1802年在莱比锡出版;在法国,由 AdamantinusCorai(按: 原文如此,拼写有误)于1816年在巴黎出版。所以说,《沉思录》的传世,可以 说是一种奥德赛式的历险和回家。   Long: The Greek text has also been edited by J.M.Schultz, Leipzig, 1802… and by the learned Greek Adamantinus Cora■s, Paris, 1816…   Hadot: The odyssey of Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations seems to have been particularly risky.   何怀宏:Collier的译本流畅易读,流行了相当长时间,但后来被批评为不 够准确且“粗糙鄙俗”……   Long: There is one by Jeremy Collier, 1702…a most coarse(粗糙) and vulgar(鄙俗)copy of the original.   何怀宏:古代的作家,尤其是哲学家往往并不给他们的著作起名。《沉思录》 作为一种私人的写作,作者看来更没有打算为它起一个名字。他有可能是想把这 本书最后留赠给自己的儿子康茂德,但康茂德对哲学思想毫无兴趣。   Hadot: Moreover, it was not uasually the philosopher who gave the title to his writings…It is highly likely that when Marcus was writing what we now call the Meditations, he had no idea of giving a title to these notes intended only for himself.   Long: He may have also intended the book for his son Commodus, who however had no taste for his father’s philosophy.   何怀宏:在Arethas的信中,他是如此称奥勒留的这本书的:“写给他自己 的伦理著作。”拜占庭的辞典则这样描述:“他在十二卷书中思考了他个人生活 的原则。”梵蒂冈的手稿中没有书名。另外一些有其引语的手稿则是标明“有关 他自己的写作”或者“私人写作”。   Hadot: When Arethas wrote his scholia on Lucian, he quotes the work as follows: Marcus in “the ethical writings addressed to himself.”The Byzantine dictionary called the Souda says of Marcus: “He consigned the rule of his personal life in twelve books.”…The Vatican manuscript gives no title to the Emperor’s work. Some manuscript collections of extracts from it do bear the notice…which could be translated: “Writings concerning Himself, “or “Private Writing.”   就举这么些了!如果我所猜不错,“《沉思录》的流传与版本”这篇文章, 一多半内容几乎可以说“无一字无来历”。这些个“来历”,就是好几代西方学 者像Long和Hadot那样的人一点一点研究和积累起来的。在使用人家的研究成果 时,为啥不就手儿写上几句“据某某研究”、“据某某考证”呢?这不是举手之 劳的事吗! (XYS20090705) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys3.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇