【新语丝电子文库(www.xys.org)(www.xys2.org)】 ———————————————— 方舟子按:这是陈竺的合作者、曾担任南方国家基因组中心副主任的Huang Guyang 的来信。他要我登出他的来信,并“开导”他什么是生物医学领域的国际一流刊物, 我就开导一下:Cell, Science和Nature是生物医学领域公认的国际一流刊物。 Gene & Development也被许多人认为是一流刊物。陈竺自称“发表了白血病诱导分 化机理一系列国际一流的科研论文”并没有登在这些刊物上。黄所提到的那些刊物, 最多算是二流。我也希望黄能“开导”我一下:陈竺为洪国藩“正名”时所引用的 结果,是不是捏造证据,公然撒谎?一个无耻到这种地步、视天下学者为阿斗的研 究者,他所做出的结果,不管发表在什么刊物上,还有多大的可信性?诚实是科学 家最基本的道德要求。一个已被证明不诚实的科学家,不管声称做出了多么重大的 成果,都不再值得我们信任。金力在陈晓宁问题上撒了谎,他做出的成果,Nature 信他,我却不信他。陈竺在洪国藩问题上撒了谎,即使他能在最好的刊物上发表论 文,我也一样不信他。(有趣的是,金力和陈竺也曾合作过) Subject: commenting Your attack on Chen Zhu Mr. Fang Zhouzi, Your attack on Dr. Chen Zhu on Nov. 16 about his track record has at least one mistake. You claimed that Dr. Chen Zhu never had publication on “world first-class journals”. As far as I know, Dr. Chen had a paper on journal Blood on leukemia that was its cover story. He also had a couple PNAS paper and at least one on Genome Research. If those were not “world first-class journals”, please enlighten me what should be. And I’d also like to ask you to publish this letter on your xys2 website. Thanks. For the record, I have collaborated with Zhu for years and even had publications together. I even served as his executive deputy director of the Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai in 1999. Yours truly, G. Matthew Huang, Ph.D. From California ———————————————— 【新语丝电子文库(www.xys.org)(www.xys2.org)】