【新语丝电子文库(www.xys.org)(www.xys2.org)】 ———————————————— 【评】 蔡义发不知何许人,但他肯定不是什么“英国皇家学院院士”。在中文中,“英 国皇家学院”一般有两个意思:一指的是Imperial College,那是个学校,不会 有什么院士称号;二指的是英国的科学院Royal Society,那当然有院士,但是 华人院士(包括外籍院士)只有四人,个个大名鼎鼎如雷贯耳:杨振宁、陈省身、 高锟、Lap-Chee Tsui。是不是又是记者乱说呢?不是。我查了蔡义发创办的“英 国国际学院”网站,其中文版也声称“1996年,蔡教授当选为英国皇家学院院士。” 但是其英文版却没有这一句,这正符合国外面向中国的骗局的惯例:在英文介绍 中还算老实,在中文介绍中则谎话联翩。看来不光是美国的“克莱登”,英国的 “克莱登”也在入侵中国。蔡博士是在英国谋生的,敢冒充院士,不怕吃官司? (方舟子) “中国哈佛”叫板清华——英国皇家院士在廊坊建成英式大学 张晓娟、杜丁 《扬子晚报》2002-1-08 “我办的学校不管是从师资、生源还是毕业分配上都敢跟清华叫板。我要么不建, 建就想建座中国的哈佛。”在昨天举行的中国企业家世纪论坛上,现任英国皇家 学院院士、英华国际公司董事长的蔡义发博士这样告诉记者。 哈佛商学院是全世界培养工商管理硕士最有影响的院校之一。而清华大学则是目 前我国规模最大、生源最好、影响最大的培训工商管理硕士的学院,虽然学费高 昂,但是不出国就能享受到世界最著名哈佛商学院的高级培训,仍使国内许多大 企业的老总纷纷上前“求教”。 蔡院士口中的这所“中国哈佛大学”日前正在廊坊的东方大学城里建造,随着工 程即将结束,招生工作也正在紧锣密鼓地进行,据透露,这所“中国哈佛”校名 暂定为东方英华国际大学。 据蔡院士介绍,东方英华国际大学将采取与英国合作办学的方式,合作的学校将 是英国著名的如牛津、剑桥等院校。学校分为大学部和培训中心,采取全外教英 语一条龙教学。 说到与清华叫板的理由,蔡院士自信地告诉记者:“光语言一项,我们的学生就 一定比清华强,我能够很自信地承诺,从我们学校出去的学生考托福成绩都在 550分以上。其次,我们在专业设置上会充分地考虑到中国的国情,但在课程设 置上,我们纯粹是英式,就是相当注重对学生能力的培养,而不是强行地灌输专 业知识。此外,我们会和一些国际知名大企业合作,定向委培相应的专业人才。 在这一点上,可能跟哈佛比较相似,我们的师资力量也是相当雄厚的,目前我们 已经开始在中、英两国招聘特教和优秀老师。” http://www.icb.ac.uk/about_ch.htm 英 国 国 际 学 院 International College Britain 英国国际学院(ICB)位于英国历史文化名城-苏格兰首都爱丁堡市。为爱丁堡的 玛格丽特女王大学学院(Queen Margaret University College - QMUC)的姊妹 学校。两校联合开设一系列的课程。共用教室、教师、图书馆、计算机网络等设 施。 学校座落在爱丁堡西部优美的风景区,繁花似锦的校园为学生提供了理想的学习 环境。 ICB的院长,蔡义发教授是智能计算及神经网络研究领域的专家、博士生导师。 自1993年以来,他率先开展中英文化、教育领域的合作与交流。先后在英国五所 院校担任讲师、高级讲师、教授、博士生导师、中心主任和院长等职。在过去的 五年中,他在英国建立了两所学院、一个中心、在中国建立了两个培训中心。由 于他的帮助,几千名中国学生顺利地完成了在英国的学业,奔赴世界各地。1996 年,蔡教授当选为英国皇家学院院士。鉴于蔡教授对于中英教育体制及教学内容 的深刻了解,以及多年来教授中国留学生的经验,在英国国际学院,他精心设计 了尤其符合中国学生的各类预科课程,并联合英国十五所著名院校,为中国学生 在英国学习从高中、学士、硕士到博士学位提供方便。 1997年,经过精心选择,位于英国不同地理位置,不同层次的院校成立了英国大 学和学院联合会。学生们可以在联合会所属院校中选择所学的专业方向和课程。 联合会院校为中国学生提供了从生活、学习以及就业等全方位的服务。1999年, 联合会在北京的办事处以及英华国联为近三分之一的学生获得了不同程度的奖学 金及助学金。 学生们在完成ICB的课程后,经过ICB的帮助,可以申请到Heriot-Watt University(赫瑞瓦特大学)、University of Dundee(邓迪大学)、 University of Nottingham(诺丁汉大学)、University of Leicester(莱斯 特大学)、University of Essex(艾塞克斯大学)、Napier University(那派 尔大学)、QMUC(玛格丽特女王大学学院)以 及 London Institute(伦敦学院) 等著名高校继续学习。 http://www.icb.ac.uk/about_en.htm Introduction of International College Britain The International College Britain (ICB) is situated in the beautiful capital of Scotland, Edinburgh. The beautiful campus at the western part of the city provides an excellent environment for studying. ICB is an associated College of Queen Margaret University College in Edinburgh. ICB students enjoy the excellent facilities and teaching at QMUC. Since 1990, Professor Yifa CAI has been doing research and teaching at various institutions in the UK, including Imperial College (University of London), Kingston University, University of Abertay Dundee, Heriot-Watt University, Queen Margaret University College and International College Britain. He was the pioneer to start recruiting self-funding students from China in 1993 and running foundation and other pre-degree courses in China in 1994. Since then, he has been carrying out educational, cultural, business, and sports collaborations between UK and China. He set up the Sino-Scottish Institute at the University of Abertay Dundee in September 1995, the Sino-Scottish Language and Business Training Centre in Hangzhou in November 1996, the South East Asia Unit at Heriot-Watt University in July 1997, Talent International Co. (UK) Ltd. in Edinburgh in September 1997, Talent International Training & Cultural Development Centre in Beijing in October 1997, Talent International Co. (China) Ltd. in December 1997, and the International College Britain in Edinburgh in June 1999. These organisations have been making great contributions to the education, trade, business, sports, and culture exchange between UK and China. The managing Director of ICB, Professor Yifa CAI is an expert in Neural Computing. Since 1990, Professor CAI has been doing research and teaching at various institutions in the UK, including Imperial College (University of London), Kingston University, University of Abertay Dundee, Heriot-Watt University, and ICB. He was the pioneer to start recruiting self-funding students, especially from 1997 when Talent International Companies have been set up, Professor CAI has established a vast recruitment network in China for the partner institutions in Britain. At the moment, the partner institutions include the University of Dundee, the University of Essex, Heriot-Watt University, the University of Leicester, the University of Nottingham, Napier University, the University of Reading, Queen Margaret University College, Broxtowe College in Nottingham, Dundee College, Stevenson College in Edinburgh, Telford College in Edinburgh, Jew & Esk Valley College in Edinburgh. In the last six years, there were over one thousand Chinese students have been successfully recruited for the partner institutions. These institutions, and other universities and colleges in Britain, have greatly benefited from the activities of Professor Yifa CAI and Talent International Companies. Millions of pounds and hundreds of jobs have been secured. Some university departments or programmes have been saved from closing down or greatly developed due to the students he recruited. Talent International Co. (China) Ltd. (TIC-China) and Talent International Co. (UK) Ltd. (TIC-UK) have been working as two centres, one in China, one in Britain, which have been providing the best services to the students and institutions. TIC-China is now the largest provider of (about 300 ~ 500 students per annum) good quality students to the institutions as listed above, who are working together under a name of China Consortium of UK Colleges and Universities. ———————————————— 【新语丝电子文库(www.xys.org)(www.xys2.org)】