◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(www.xys3.org)(groups.yahoo.com/group/xys)◇◇ 新语丝读者对朱令中毒案的评论 truist评论: 这是一个国家对一个人的谋杀。 铊的性质有点像银,是少数几种剧毒的无机物。至少可以状告清华大学 北京大学等单位对剧毒物品管理不善,负责赔偿医疗及其他费用,并对 家属进行民事赔偿。投毒的罪犯,当然应该绳之以法,从结果来看,是 属于故意杀人罪,应当判处相应的徒刑。清华北大某些有关人员也应该 引咎辞职。可是这些事情,都不了了之,可恨。大家记下这笔帐吧。 以后大家如果感觉不对劲,应该立即想到无机物中毒。通常生物制品的 毒性不会延续很长,只有无机物和一些有机物能够使人中毒并延续很长 时间。对于无机金属(铅,汞,铊,铜,银等),通常采用络合剂EDTA 排毒。我有一个老师,曾经体内放射性重金属中毒,使用过这样的疗法, 据云是感觉很累。他目前健康。 有机物慢性中毒好像以苯环类居多。中国制鞋业里面有许多可怜的打工 妹,她们长期接触苯或甲苯配制的胶,通过皮肤和呼吸中毒(慢性)。 后果之一是再障(血液再生障碍),无可医治。大家到Wal-Mart或者 K-Mart(已经倒闭)买便宜的中国鞋时,千万不要忘记这些受屈辱的灵 魂。 xinli评论: Hi, I helped to coordinate the diagnosis and coordinated the treatment processes for Zhu Ling in 1996 when I was a graduate student at UCLA. I want to share what I know to answer some of the questions posted at this site. 1. ZHU Ling's nickname is Lingling. 2. About the suspect girl, some of us pervaded the US Embassy in Beijing to stop her from coming to USA. Some of us even tried to use US media to make some influence. However, there is no hard evidence, on the other hand, we were afraid that the suspect family backed by some Beijing officials might accuse the US media of manipulating politically which would do no good for Zhu Ling's care. We know her name and we know where the case was stopped. It was such a hard decision made together with her family not to pursue that way. But that does not mean we give up on it. If Zhu Ling's family changed the decision, we will certainly do something. No doubt about that. 3. Here is what the PUMC(协和) did wrong: Dr. Li at PUMC did GUESS it could be thallium-poisoning. I use GUESS here instead of "diagnosed", because a diagnosis must be backed by a test. Her symptom reminded him a poisoning-poisoning case in Tsinghua Univ. 30 years ago. Not being a poisoning specialist, Dr.Li sent the case to Beijing Inst. of Labor Hygiene & Occupational Diseases. The vice chair of the institute, based on ZHU Ling's word that she had never contacted Thallium before, concluded that it was not a Thallium poisoning. No test was asked to support that GUESS. Prof. Chen who conducted the correct test later was working in the institute but he was not contacted for help. Prof.Chen was contacted by ZHU Ling family later. You see here, PUMC did nothing wrong at first place and Dr.Li did right thing to refer the case to a specialist. It was the vice chair in the Occupational Institute that made a conclusion without a test. However, Dr.Li and his colleagues who took care of the case together, TRUSTED the vice chair's result without demanding a solid test result. As the primary care provider for the patient, PUMC was responsible to make scientific judgement based upon specialist consultation to make proper case management. PUMC failed to do that. Second thing that PUMC did wrong was to refuse to consider the Internet suggestions. ZHU Ling's family brought the Internet diagnosis of Thallium collected by BEI Zhicheng (ZHU Ling's friend) and others, but PUMC refused to consider it. When I called the ICU about treatment, they refuse to talk to me initially. Dr.Aldids had to use his diplomatic efforts to deliver some message to PUMC. His warm efforts often met the cold door. During those days, many of the people involved were trying every effort simply to convince PUMC. It might be true that PUMC later bright ZHU Ling better care than other hospitals could. But PUMC's initial arrogance and ignorance significantly delayed the diagnosis and treatment. The longer the delay, the more the poison damaged ZHU Ling neurologically. 4. As a side talk, medicine in China is often based upon experience but here in US it is also science. This is because doctors in US usually have bachelor degree in science and also because the strict legal system. Xin Li For details, check the web site at UCLA: http://www.radsci.ucla.edu/telemed/zhuling/. Since I came to Silicon Valley, I have not updated the site. yuan评论: I was involved in the internet diagnosis I was involved from very early on and called many doctors in the states many times. I was working at a hospital at that time. Actually, it is so easy to diagnose, doctors predict it to be Ta poisoning and it has been found in murder case before. One forensic doctor predicted that there must be someone behind the it. Unforunately, Doctors at PUMC did not take action quick enough and do not even believe that it was the case. It was later proved to be true but no one was arrested for it. Her sister was a student of Beijing University. After I went to Beida in later 80s, her story was told to us. But it was told that she fell off accidentally while on field trip. Only' after her sister's case, people got suspecious about her mysterious death, because no witness seemed to know if no foul play was involved. I got very suspecious over her family's history. Rumor had it that her family had vicious enemy, maybe from the 70s and would not let her family go. But I do not know if it is true. I communicated with her mom several times on the internet. A reporter from Italy called my lab and talked to me for a while and published something there, but I did not see the article. Then another chinese student from UCLA got involved with his boss because they were doing remote diagnosis project. He was on TV shows in the LA area later. I was too busy and eventually let go. It was such a tradgy. I felt horrible and got scared about the whole thing. Someone lurked out there! ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(www.xys3.org)(groups.yahoo.com/group/xys)◇◇