But an article on Scientific American argues there is General Intelligence


送交者: wintersing 于 April 03, 2002 13:59:12:

回答: “智商”的误区 由 方舟子 于 April 02, 2002 17:05:45:


Your article is very informative. But I just ran into an article a few months ago on Scientific American, which argues there is General Intelligence. Of course, Scientific American is not an academic publication, but its articles still have a curtain level of academic credibility.
That article blatantly claims there is General Intelligence, and an individual’s intelligent characteristics are largely decided by genes. No matter how disturbing its social, moral implication is, it is a fact.

Frankly, from my own experience and observation, I rather agree that article. For example, most USTCers do well in China, and they do well too in US, I am sure they will do well in Africa if they choose to go. So the language, culture is not the problem. A lot of USTC CASPEA guys abandoned physics and are doing well in IT area or on Wall Street, so training and education are not the problem.
As I only have engineering back ground, know nothing about Biology, and my personal experience is not a scientific evidence at all, I have to ask you that:
Is the opinion in your article just a prevailing opinion current scientific circle but there are still minority different opinions on this issue, or your opinion is the definitive theory just like Darwin evolution theory in Biology?

Also a further question, since I am away Academic world so far away, I want to know if political correctness plays a role among academic people to decide what say, what can say? This question is for all academic people on this board too.

As far as I know political correctness prevails in Corporate America, and is very counter-productive, it's choking people's mind.




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