

送交者: glaive 于 2011-07-14, 11:27:11:


针灸有传播肝炎的风险,不是王澄提出来的,也不是王澄证明的,最多不过是王澄来宣传。以没有证据支持的90% 作为噱头来宣传,是拙劣的宣传。


为什么只和发达国家比发病率? 为什么不和发展中国家却没有针灸的国家比?百倍高的发病率的数据在哪里?比较的美国和中国,还是中国和日本。不能以自己的推测来说明为什么中国的乙肝发病率高。下面的文字可能是一个解释。

Because of the spontaneous error rate of viral reverse transcription, the HBV genome evolves with an estimated rate of nucleotide substitution at 1•4–3•2×10−5/site per year.14 After a long-time evolution, four major HBV serological subtypes (adw, ayw, adr, and ayr) and nine minor subtypes are identified by the antigenic determinants of HBsAg. Seven HBV genotypes (A to G) are defined by divergence in the entire HBV genomic sequence of more than 8%.15, 16 and 17 The inter-relation of serotypes to genotypes has been clarified.16 and 18 In general, the genomes encoding adw are found in genotypes A, B, C, F, and G, while those encoding both adr and ayr occur in genotype C alongside adw. Most of the HBV genotypes or serotypes have distinct geographic distributions (table 1). In brief, genotypes B and C are prevalent in Asia, whereas genotypes A and D prevail in western countries and India. Genotype E is restricted to Africa, and genotype F to Central and South America. Genotype G has been identified recently in France and North America. Notably, genotypes B and C are prevalent in highly endemic areas, such as Asian countries, where vertical or perinatal transmission plays an important part in the spread of the virus, and the same genotype may thus be conserved in the population. Conversely, genotypes A, D, E, F, and G are reported in areas where horizontal transmission is the main route of infection. Whether the modes of transmission correlate with HBV genotypes awaits further international cooperative studies.
Table 1. Geographic distribution of HBV genotypes and serotypes16, 17, 18 and 19
Genotype    Serotype    Areas of predominance
A    adw2, ayw1    Northwestern Europe, USA, central Africa
B    adw2, ayw1    Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia, China, Vietnam
C    adw2, adrq+, adrq−, ayr    East Asia, Taiwan, Korea, China, Japan, Polynesia, Vietnam
D    ayw2, ayw3    Mediterranean area, India
E    ayw4    West Africa
F    adw4q−, adw2, ayw4    Central and South America,
G    adw2    France, USA
?    ayr    Borneo

摘自Global control of hepatitis B virus infection。


这只是你自己的想象。我所接触到的情况是:街道卫生院, 省市的中医院, 农村的乡镇医院针灸科,都采取了高温消毒针灸针的做法, 和注射用针一起消毒。

“病毒感染者,仅中国就有1亿人,且每年新增3000万乙肝患者,而这一数字目前正呈上升趋势” 是王澄先生引用的徐道振教授,不是王自己胡说。如果2010年中国的统计居说城市人口已占总人口的60%,且已每年5%的比例增长。那么你Glaive 二十年后会痛骂统计局是胡说吗?因为按5%的比例运算,二十年后中国将有约160%{别自做聪明 和我玩数学叫枝儿游戏,准确比例应该是(60 X (1 + 0.05)的20次方)%}的中国人是城市人口。Glaive你能看出这当中你的毛病吗?”

引用数据要经过思考。 在有疫苗之前,台湾的乙肝携带者高达15%-20%,是不是也都是针灸传染。有文章如是说:Notably, genotypes B and C are prevalent in highly endemic areas, such as Asian countries, where vertical or perinatal transmission plays an important part in the spread of the virus, and the same genotype may thus be conserved in the population. 自从84 年 开始疫苗注射。 发病率的变化请看这片文章:Global control of hepatitis B virus infection。Jia-Horng Kaoa and Professor Ding-Shinn Chenb 我的计算没什么问题。 到是你用百分数代替绝对数字意欲何为?

“Glaive你说的“正规医院”是什么标准?依我的见地,中国的绝大多数的针灸是在“非正规医院” 或草棚陋室中进行的。你知道他们怎样消毒吗?”




“Glaive,let me tell you this, so you can carry the wisdom with you for rest of you life:人的先天天份和后天见地是有别的。比如你好不容易自以为有了一个显示的机会,却句句不到点儿,搞得一塌糊涂。”




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