RAP vs TTAP 看看老美的说法


送交者: catfish 于 2011-06-28, 18:21:25:

Hello, I hope to get some advice from someone who might be in similar situation: I did 4 years of post-doc and then was "promoted" to research assistant professor in biology. I have been in this nontenured position for almost 4 years now. I am trying to apply for a research grant and at the same time to apply for a tenured-track position, but I think that my chance of success in landing that dream position is very slim compared to a fresh Ph.D. with 2 to 3 years post-doc training. I also read that this research assistant professor title is nothing but a glorified post-doc, so been a post-doc for almost 10 years looks really bad. The reason that I got stuck for so long is due to health problem. I was still able to keep a decent publication lists, but I am so burnt out and worried about my future. Besides of that, my working environment is getting so bitter and sour, that it is depressing and difficult to concentrate.



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