人数:“9个病人已有6个HOME RUN”。定义:“HOME RUN(即完全象正常人一样)”


送交者: 羽矢 于 2011-06-26, 00:42:29:

回答: 这好解释: 由 羽矢 于 2011-06-26, 00:38:45:

Peters的定义见其邮件中对第二个home run的描述。

老搬 2009-08-13 13:53:08
美国病人也达到了这个有效率。现在,最初9个病人已有6个HOME RUN:-)))2个显著改善,1个无效。

老搬 2009-08-14 15:01:07
但是,我发现,结果没有我们在中国的那么好!!!!基本个个都有改善,但仅一个HOME RUN(即完全象正常人一样),还偏偏是那个最担心没有任何效果的那个啦啦队女孩。当时已是术后近两年,他们术后6月反射弧就长好了,这是非常不正常的!我以为他们早都全好了。怎么回事?!细问之下,才知原委,哭笑不得。。。

这类病人一直都是不治之症,常规处理一直是用药物(DETROPEN之类)将膀胱肌肉全部麻痹掉,不让它收缩,成为个容器,再每几小时导尿一次(CIC)。Peters他们在人工反射弧神经长好后,任然继续这种常规,这让新的反射弧对膀胱起不了作用,更重要的是阻碍了大脑的功能重组!我让 Peters立即停用任何药物,停止导尿,让病人穿Diaper,自己解!大脑-脊髓-膀胱直肠需要自己建立新的神经控制协调。一个月后,6个home run.所有美国病人中,只有一个脊髓损伤的Luisana女孩是我直接遥控指挥她的当地医生的(这女孩不是Perters的病人,直接和我联系的,没统计进总人数),术后5个月,全好。

支撑疲惫之躯的甘泉 (2180 bytes)
Posted by: CG
Date: September 27, 2009 06:31AM

Dr. Xiao,
Natasha was in today, if you recall she was the one on crutches with a nerve graft done Left L2 to S2
Baseline she was severely incontinent of urine between caths, severe constipation and incontinent of stool
She is now totally continent of stool and urine, senses her bladder full, senses her catheter going in and beginning to void on own
Urodynamics today demonstrated a stable bladder, normal sensation and an excellent reflex with stimulating the L4 Dermatome Bilaterally!! She voided to completion and we have great video of her bladder neck opening and the bladder emptying.
She is the second patient to have Bilateral reflex and both were high anastamoses (L2).
Must be where the nerves cross.
I would consider Natasha a home run which is shocking! Thought I would let you know.
Kenneth M. Peters, M.D.
Chairman, Department of Urology



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