

送交者: jhuang 于 2011-06-08, 22:19:38:

看着标题"Why use the agent that the agent is"就好奇哪一家报社有勇气发表这篇大作。再看文章结尾“Korean Music Wu”更是一头雾水。原来是法制日报的记者韩乐悟写的一篇报道(怎么不叫Korean Music Comprehension)。原始中文搜了出来,加上我放在Google Translate翻译成英语,都贴在下面了。很容易看出来,Google Translate的作品要比这篇英文报道顺溜的多,是不是首席研究员还在使用年代非常久远的“东方快车”之类的翻译软件,如果中文报道里面称赞首席“干的好”是不是要翻译成Professor Jiang fucks well?


Why use the agent that the agent is

已有 129 次阅读 2011-5-31 18:01 |个人分类:环保呐喊|系统分类:博客新闻|关键词:food safety white pollution pestcide chemical fertilization
By Han Lewu
Posted:May 27,2011 Views:7 Subscribe:

Do not use a lot of external resources for its success in maintaining soil fertility and health. This is a hundred years ago, China's agriculture in Western agronomists found the most amazing place. But today, China's agriculture is on the road to industrialization by the large chemical fertilizer large pesticides, herbicides, additives, plastic sheeting and other running all the way coerced.

Now we are bogged down in the food security dilemma can not extricate themselves. Experts have warned that, should reflect our current agricultural production?

'White terror'

The 'white pollution', people tend to more concerned about the disposable plastic lunch boxes and the city shopping bags used. But the reporter was informed that currently there are about 500,000 tons of plastic sheeting year remains in the soil, plastic film rate of 40%. Agriculture film production in the agricultural use does not take into account a large number of the degradation problems, the ecological environment of China paid a heavy price, to accelerate the land of 'death(http://www.f-paper.com/).'

'I have a few field trips in ten countries, had never seen a country like ours, in a big way to promote the application of plastic sheeting, the country with mountains and rivers of a 'white'.' Jiang Gaoming researcher at the Institute of Botany says.

Long-term commitment of degraded ecosystems and rehabilitation of degraded farmland Jiang GM, told reporters a few days ago I start to see him in some rural areas was almost clear of a white plastic film covered farmland, hillside scene, the use of 'white terror' to describe.

According to Jiang Gaoming introduced a large number of residues in the soil in the plastic sheeting, 15-20 cm soil layer in the formation of hard permeable, breathable layer of hard farming. Some of his life and concluded: probably seven generations, 140 years is also degradation can not afford.

In Jiang Gaoming view, plastic sheeting is the most rubbish inventions of modern agriculture(News News http://www.f-paper.com/). People use it to be part of the increase resulting from dependence. Hoeing in the departure from the traditional approach, without organic manure, straw and other support, the covering layer of plastic sheeting to achieve the insulation, water, weeding, pesticides and other purposes, appear to be no better thing, but actually paid a heavy price, is accelerating land 'death.' tantamount to 'get its eggs.'

'Red lines' and endangered

Reporters were told that since the last century since the late 70s, just a few decades, China's cultivated land there is a clear decline in fertility, the national average of less than 1% of soil organic matter. And at the same time, China's chemical fertilizer and the growth rate is surprised.

According to Jiang Gaoming, the international recognized safety limits application of chemical fertilizer is 225 kg / ha, but the average per unit area of application of chemical fertilizers reached 434.3 kg / ha, 1.93 times the safe limit.

Provided from the average application rate of fertilizer chart shows changes in the last century, the age of 50 hectares (15 acres) of land more than 8 kg of chemical fertilizer is now 868 pounds. To a hundred times the speed increase.

'But these fertilizer utilization rate is only around 40%. Did not run out, have become contaminated.' Jiang Gaoming said.
Jiang Gaoming that maintaining the current food production, to pesticides and fertilizers, the application rate by half is sufficient.

There are a number for Jiang Gaoming to heart: China's factory farm animals produce 2.7 billion tons of animal waste every year, about 3.5 times the industrial solid waste. But separation of breeding and cultivation and other reasons, they could have become very good fertilizers, animal wastes should not use the place. results 'on the one hand agricultural non-point source pollution, on the one hand mass production of fertilizers. Both are due benefits or reduce. Victims are cultivated with consumers.' Jiang Gaoming said.

In fact, even without a direct result of chemical fertilizer and pesticide pollution, irrigation and other industrial and mining waste water sewage pollution on the land have made it an indirect overwhelmed. According to the survey, the country's arable land contaminated about 1.5 million mu, accounting for almost the total area of cultivated land in China one-tenth. this insight calls, hold 18 million mu of arable land 'red line' not just hold their number, but also keep their health, cleanliness of the 'red line.'

Where are we going?

In Jiang Gaoming view, Investment in agriculture rely on a large number of chemical substances called the salient features of the so-called modern agriculture, harm many, unsustainable. It is not only a large number of mining exploration, oil, etc., so that increased pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, a large number of chemicals into arable land, causing land pollution, 'but the damage must not stop there, land pollution is also a serious threat to food, food security.'

Jiang Gaoming said, 'around a circle, the ultimate land of toxic substances in the body to return to camp.' Recent reports 'cadmium rice' is an example.

When the 'hoe Wo day when afternoon' type replaced the traditional farming methods, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, herbicides, additives, plastic sheeting and other modern agricultural 'conventional weapons', the Jiang Gaoming that 'industrialization of agriculture has been greatly shaken our The agriculture. '

When the cause of watermelon 'explosion' is the leavening agent known to the public, people puzzled 'why use it' because it is clear that this is contrary to the laws of plant growth.

However, contrary to the laws of nature similar phenomenon in agricultural production everywhere, just as Jiang Gaoming cited: in-season fruit and vegetable production, exacerbated by drug residues in agricultural products, animals, 'crash course' to chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry class life cycle shortened to 28-45 days, the pigs reduced to 2.5-4 months. 'These serious breaches of the law of planting and breeding biology model inundation, so that a variety of pesticides, hormones and food additives, filled with urban and rural areas.'

People are confused: the source of our food - the primary agricultural products, have been subjected to such a chemical production, industrialization of the 'baptism', dare again in food processing, transport or preservation without restraint or even added a variety of chemical agents non-toxic and hazardous substances consumed? we really want to go?

Legal Daily (Korean Music Wu)


已有 201 次阅读 2011-5-27 23:19 |个人分类:环保呐喊|系统分类:观点评述|关键词:新民晚报 法制日报 食品安全 添加剂 农膜























Legal Daily: The agent that agent Why use it

已有202 次阅读2011-5-27 23:19 | 个人分类: 环保呐喊 | 系统分类: 观点评述 | 关键词:新民晚报法制日报食品安全添加剂农膜 202 have been reading 2011-5-27 23:19 | Personal Category: Green Scream | taxonomy: perspective Review | Key words: Legal Daily, Xinmin Evening News food safety additive plastic sheeting
今天的法制日报刊登记者韩乐悟针对食品安全问题的文章,这是记者在笔者在上周三(5月18日)中国青年报记者沙龙学术报告基础上撰写的稿件。 Published in today's Legal Daily reporter Wu Han Le articles for food safety issues, it is the reporter in the paper last Wednesday (May 18) China Youth Daily reporter Sharon, on the basis of academic report writing and the like. 特转录如下: Special reproduced below:

需要说明的是:关于白色污染农膜降解问题,不是塑料膜经140年不能降解,而是农民在低温燃烧(<850度)塑料膜产生的二噁英致癌物质约经过7代人不能降解,约需140年。 Should be noted that: the degradation of plastic sheeting on the white pollution problem, not plastic film can not be degraded by 140 years, but farmers in the low-temperature combustion (<850 degrees) plastic film carcinogen dioxin produced about 7 generations can not be degraded by take about 140 years.
这个剂那个剂为什么用它 Why is the agent that the agent use it
韩乐悟 Han Yue Wu
来源: 新民晚报·新民网 Source: Xinmin Evening News Xinmin Net
2011年05月27日19:10 At 19:10 on May 27, 2011
http://roll.sohu.com/20110527/n308758889.shtml http://roll.sohu.com/20110527/n308758889.shtml
   不使用大量的外部资源就成功地保持了土壤肥力和健康。 Do not use a lot of external resources for its success in maintaining soil fertility and health. 这是一百年前西方农学家发现的中国农业最令人称奇之处。 This is a hundred years ago Western agronomists found the most amazing of Agriculture Department. 然而时至今日,中国的农业正在工业化之路上被大化肥、大农药、除草剂、添加剂、农膜等裹挟着一路狂奔。 But today, China's agriculture is on the road by large industrial fertilizers, large pesticides, herbicides, additives, plastic sheeting and other running all the way coerced.

如今我们已深陷食品安全困境不得自拔。 Now we are bogged down in the food security dilemma can not extricate themselves. 专家提醒,是否应该反思一下我们目前的农业生产方式? Experts advise, should reflect our current agricultural production?
“白色恐怖” "White terror"
对“白色污染”,人们往往较关注城市中一次性塑料餐盒及购物袋等的使用。 The "white pollution", people tend to more concerned about the disposable plastic lunch boxes and the city shopping bags, etc. to use. 但记者获悉,目前我国每年约有50万吨农膜残留于土壤中,残膜率达40%。 But the reporter was informed that currently there are about 50 million tons of plastic sheeting per year remains in the soil, plastic film rate of 40%. 农膜在农业生产中的大量使用而并不考虑其降解问题,令我国生态环境付出了沉重的代价,加速了耕地的“死亡”。 Plastic sheeting in agricultural production in large-scale use and do not consider the degradation problems, the ecological environment of China paid a heavy price, to accelerate the land of "death."

“我实地考察过几十个国家,从来没有见到一个国家像我国这样,大张旗鼓地推广、应用农膜,弄得全国山河一片"白"。”中国科学院植物研究所研究员蒋高明如是说。 "I have a few field trips in ten countries, had never seen a country like ours, in a big way to promote the application of plastic sheeting, the country with mountains and rivers of a" white "." Jiang Gaoming researcher at the Institute of Botany says.

长期致力于退化生态系统与退化农田修复的蒋高明,日前对记者讲起他在一些农村看到的几乎被清一白色塑料膜覆盖的农田、山坡的景象时,用“白色恐怖”来形容。 Long-term commitment of degraded ecosystems and rehabilitation of degraded farmland Jiang GM, told reporters a few days ago I start to see him in some rural areas was almost clear of a white plastic film covered farmland, hillside scene, the use of "white terror" to describe.

据蒋高明介绍,大量残留在土壤里的农膜,在15-20厘米土层形成不易透水、透气的难耕作层。 According to Jiang Gaoming introduced a large number of residues in the soil in the plastic sheeting, 15-20 cm soil layer in the formation of hard permeable, breathable layer of hard farming. 有人研究了其寿命后得出结论:大概要七代人、140多年还降解不掉。 Some studies concluded that its life: probably seven generations, 140 years of degradation also can not afford.

在蒋高明看来,农膜是现代农业最垃圾的发明。 In Jiang Gaoming view, plastic sheeting is the most rubbish inventions of modern agriculture. 人们利用它得到一部分增产后产生依赖。 People use it to be part of the increase resulting from dependence. 在脱离了传统锄地做法,不用有机肥、秸秆等养地,覆盖一层农膜就实现了保温、保水、除草、杀虫等目的,表面看是再好不过的事,但实际上付出了沉重的代价,是在加速耕地“死亡”。 Hoeing in the departure from the traditional approach, without organic fertilizer, straw and other support, the covering layer of plastic sheeting to achieve the insulation, water, weeding, pesticides and other purposes, appear to be no better thing, but in fact paid heavy price, is accelerating land "death." 无异于“杀鸡取卵。” Tantamount to "get its eggs."
“红线”濒危 "Red lines" and endangered
记者被告知,自上世纪70年代末以来,短短几十年,我国耕地肥力出现了明显下降,全国土壤有机质平均不到1%。 Reporters were told that since the last century since the late 70s, just a few decades, China has shown a significant decline in land fertility, the national average of less than 1% of soil organic matter. 而与此同时,我国化肥用量及其增长速度也令人吃惊。 Meanwhile, China's chemical fertilizer and the growth rate is also surprising.

据蒋高明介绍,国际公认的化肥施用安全上限是225千克/公顷,但目前我国农用化肥单位面积平均施用量达到434.3千克/公顷,是安全上限的1.93倍。 According to Jiang Gaoming, the international recognized safety limits application of chemical fertilizer is 225 kg / ha, but the average per unit area of application of chemical fertilizers reached 434.3 kg / ha, 1.93 times the safe limit.

从其提供的我国化肥平均施用量变化图上看出,上世纪50年代我国一公顷(15亩)土地施用化肥8斤多,现在是868斤。 Provided from the average application rate of fertilizer chart shows changes in the last century, the age of 50 hectares (15 acres) of land more than 8 kg of chemical fertilizer is now 868 pounds. 以百倍速度增加。 Hundredfold increase in speed.

“但这些化肥的利用率仅为40%左右。没用完,都变成了污染。”蒋高明说。 "But these fertilizer utilization rate is only around 40%. Did not run out, have become polluted." Jiang Gaoming said.

蒋高明认为,保持目前粮食产量,就农药化肥而言,施用量减半足矣。 Jiang Gaoming that maintaining the current food production, to pesticides and fertilizers, the application rate by half is sufficient.

还有一个数字让蒋高明耿耿于怀:我国工厂化养殖动物每年产生27亿吨动物粪便,约为工业固体废料的3.5倍。 There are a number for Jiang Gaoming to heart: My factory farm animals produce 2.7 billion tons of animal waste every year, about 3.5 times the industrial solid waste. 但因养殖业与种植业分离等原因,这些本可成为很好肥料的动物粪便并未用到应该用的地方。 But breeding and cultivation separation and other reasons, they could have become very good fertilizer, animal manure should not use the place. 结果“一方面造成农田面源污染,一方面大量制造化肥。两者都因趋利。受害的是耕地与消费者。”蒋高明说。 Results "on the one hand agricultural non-point source pollution, on the one hand a large number of manufacturing fertilizer. Both are due benefits or reduce. Victims are cultivated with consumers." Jiang Gaoming said.

其实,即使没有化肥农药等造成的直接污染,工矿企业废水污灌等对耕地的间接污染已经使之不堪重负。 In fact, even without a direct result of chemical fertilizer and pesticide pollution, irrigation and other industrial and mining waste water sewage pollution on the land have made &#8203;&#8203;it an indirect overwhelmed. 据调查,全国受污染的耕地约有1.5亿亩,几乎占到了中国耕地总面积的十分之一。 According to the survey, the country contaminated about 1.5 million mu of arable land, China accounted for almost one-tenth of the total area of arable land. 为此有识之士呼吁,守住18亿亩耕地“红线”不仅仅是守住其数量,还要守住其健康、洁净之“红线”。 This insight calls, hold 18 million mu of arable land "red line" not just hold their number, but also keep their health, cleanliness of the "red line."
往何处去? Where are we going?
在蒋高明看来,农业依赖大量化学物质投入堪称所谓现代农业的突出特点,危害甚多,不可持续。 In Jiang Gaoming view, investment in agriculture rely on a large number of chemical substances called the salient features of the so-called modern agriculture, harm many, unsustainable. 它不仅需要开采大量矿山、石油等,使污染和温室气体排放加剧,大量化学品被投入耕地,造成耕地污染,“但危害绝不仅于此,耕地污染还严重威胁到食品、粮食安全。” It requires not only a large number of mining exploration, oil and so on, so that increased pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, a large number of chemicals are put into arable land, causing land pollution, "but the damage must not stop there, land pollution is also a serious threat to food, food security."

蒋高明说,“绕一个圈子,耕地中的有毒物质最终要回到人体安营扎寨。”前不久报道的“镉米”就是例子。 Jiang Gaoming said, "around a circle, the ultimate land of toxic substances in the body to return to camp." Recent reports "cadmium rice" is an example.

当“锄禾日当午”式的传统耕作方式被取代,农药、化肥、除草剂、添加剂、农膜等成为现代农业的“常规武器”时,蒋高明认为“工业化农业已经大大动摇了我们的农业之本。” When the "hoe Wo day when afternoon" type of traditional farming methods to be replaced, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, herbicides, additives, plastic sheeting and other modern agricultural "conventional weapons", the Jiang Gaoming that "industrialization of agriculture has been greatly shaken our The agriculture. "

当引起西瓜“爆炸”的膨大剂被公众知晓后,人们困惑的是“为什么要用它”,因为很显然,此举是违背植物生长规律的。 When the cause of watermelon "explosion" is the leavening agent known to the public, people puzzled "why use it" because it is clear that this is contrary to the laws of plant growth.

但类似的违背自然规律的现象在农业生产中比比皆是,正像蒋高明所列举:反季节果蔬生产,加剧了农产品中的药物残留;动物“速成班”将鸡、鸭、鹅等禽类的生命周期缩短至28-45天,猪缩短至2.5-4个月。 However, contrary to the laws of nature similar phenomenon in agricultural production everywhere, just as Jiang Gaoming cited: in-season fruit and vegetable production, exacerbated by drug residues in agricultural products; animals, "crash course" to chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry class life cycle shortened to 28-45 days, the pigs reduced to 2.5-4 months. “这些严重违背生物学规律的种植和养殖模式大量泛滥,令各种农药、激素和添加剂充斥城乡食品。” "These serious breaches of the law of planting and breeding biology model inundation, so that a variety of pesticides, hormones and food additives, filled with urban and rural areas."

人们困惑:我们的食品之源初级农产品,已经在生产中经受了如此化学化、工业化的“洗礼”,怎敢再在食品加工、运输或保存中不加节制地添加各种化学制剂甚至是非食用的有毒有害物质? People confused: Our primary source of food agricultural products, have been subjected to such a chemical production, industrialization of the "baptism", dare again in food processing, transport or preservation without restraint to add various chemical agents or non-food toxic and harmful substances? 我们究竟要往何处去? What do we want to go?

作者:韩乐悟为法制日报记者 Of: Wu Han Le reporter for the Legal Daily



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