Ignarro endorsed this product in exchange for a royalty agreement


送交者: 大胖星 于 2012-01-11, 16:40:30:

回答: 得过诺贝尔奖的人就不能去当药贩子了么 由 大胖星 于 2012-01-11, 16:34:43:

reported to have earned his consulting firm over $1 million in the first 12 months. Ignarro also promoted Niteworks' ingredients in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, where, as a member of the National Academy of Sciences, he can submit papers without review, and furthermore without disclosing his financial interest to the publication. After Ignarro's ties to Herbalife were revealed, the journal issued a correction to the article, citing Ignarro's undisclosed "conflict of interest."



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