Buying gifts for Christmas


送交者: 淼水 于 2011-11-28, 14:35:00:

Monday, November 28, 2011 - 2:56 pm · Reply

My daughter said her teenage son was hinting about an iPad. She asked what I thought about Fire. I related my bike story. Years and years ago I yearned for a Schinn bike. On xmas morn right besidek the tree was a shiny new bike from Sears. What a disapointment, I would rather had a ten year old Schwinn than that piece of Sears junk. But my parents were not wealthy, the crops had been poor that year and so I faked joy. And I rode that bike for years even though I wished someone would steal it. To this day I remember that. I never told my folks about my diasapointment. I guess that is why I have always given the grandkids cash. Let them get what they want.



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