按摩师+18个月远程教育 = 双博士


送交者: www 于 2011-01-06, 17:01:06:


a "diploma
mill": the University of Health Sciences in Antigua,
an Internet-based medical school in the West Indies.

The university's crash-course programs allow an array
of students -- oral and maxillofacial surgeons,
chiropractors, veterinarians -- to earn degrees in
just 18 months online. Prior to graduation, students
must spend at least one week attending seminars and
visiting hospitals and clinics on the island. This
residency apparently leaves enough time for exploring
the area's tourist attractions. "Antigua is renowned
for its superb coral beaches," the University's Web
site notes. "The neighboring sister island of Barbuda
with a population of 1200 and a size of 62 square
miles also has excellent beaches and is well known for
its fish, lobster and 87 sunken wrecks, just waiting
to be explored." The going rate for a West Indies
doctorate: $19,525.



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