I said Sunglasses


送交者: cornbug 于 2011-03-10, 19:53:46:

回答: "中国人对人类文明的贡献"提名一事,旧楼太高了,新开一楼。 由 orunmila 于 2011-03-10, 18:43:32:

1300cChinese judges wore smoke-colored quartz lenses to conceal their eye expressions in court.
1430cVision-correcting darkened eyeglasses were introduced into China from Italy
1700cJames Ayscough believed blue-green-tinted glass could correct specific vision impairments.
1929 Sam Foster found a ready market for sunglasses on the beaches of Atlantic City, New Jersey
1936 Sunglasses become polarized, Ray Ban began using Edwin H. Land Polaroid filter.
1960 A clever advertising campaign by Foster Grant makes sunglasses chic and popular.
2004 Oakley, eyeware company, developed Thump, sunglasses with built-in digital audio player.
sunglasses, sunglass, Foster Grant, Sam Foster, Ray-Ban, James Ayscough, Edwin H. Land, Polaroid filter, Oakley, invention, story, facts, history, inventor, Biography.



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