Jo, I have a question for you


送交者: OO8 于 2011-03-07, 12:46:04:

受了太多“你敬我一尺,我敬你一丈”的教育了,还有一事 - Jo (834 bytes) 2011-03-07, 00:48:39 (556501)

* “你敬我一尺,我敬你一丈” 不好么? (无内容) - OO8 (0 bytes) 2011-03-07, 02:27:14 (556512)
o 不是不好,而是不够。 - Jo (44 bytes) 2011-03-07, 10:04:52 (556567)

When you said "受了太多" you meant "too much". However, when I asked you what was wrong with it, you changed to "而是不够", which means "only ... is not enough". I don't understand how these too concepts are connected. Were you trying to win an argument by mixing these concepts? I am really curious about why you feel we are fed too much“你敬我一尺,我敬你一丈”, I thought that is a very good idea. In fact, this is one of the evolution strategy I read from a Banzhu's article.



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