nanfangzhoumo says there are 16000 zhouqu like places


送交者: kma 于 2010-08-14, 16:38:42:

回答: 国内又开始哀悼啦,该黑的黑了,该停的停了 由 Kurt 于 2010-08-14, 15:41:06:

based on the newspaper's reputation, the number might be exaggerated, but i believe most would agree there're indeed many ticking bombs left. what to do with all these hazardous places?

i was very moved and paid my own repsect the 1st time this whole nation mourning beichuan; the feeling was less when it's yushu; and this time? i kind of feel numb. it's like time and time again one hears about china's coal mine tragedies.

zhouqu is very like beichuan, built in moutain bottom, the hill is in quake zone and heavily deforested. and experts already warned so many times about zhouqu, still....

i know relocating those vast number of residents is very difficult, but one can't fight with nature. those places are not suitable for dense population. already there's news about newly rebuilt buidings in beichuan were ravaged by mud flood.

no matter how big a price to pay, china has to either relocate or rebuild in those dangerous regions, most very poor places. there's no other choice, nothing more important than saving lives. china is already #2 economy in the world, and there's report predicitng china surpassing america around 2020 based on purchasing power. but what's the meaning, point of becoming #1 in the world when even normal life cna't be safeguarded?



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