"Too crowd" doesn't have to be saturated. 4 adults living


送交者: steven 于 2010-08-10, 17:31:49:

回答: “环境破坏”看程度和标准。“资源耗尽”如果是指特定的某些资源,有可能; 由 Amsel 于 2010-08-10, 17:20:38:

in a 200 sq ft apartment is very very crowed, but the room is still far from filled. You don't have to wait for the apartment to be saturated: - squeezing one more people in will have to push another out - before you move out.

It doesn't have to be 耗尽. When it reach a certain degree shortage of resource is enough to cause wars and lives become very difficult. You want to avoid that preemptively.



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