

送交者: 羽矢 于 2010-08-09, 18:59:32:

回答: 可以看得出来他们两个都很清楚 由 eddie 于 2010-08-09, 18:42:24:

Up to date, we have performed the procedure for bladder and bowel control safely on 110 children with spina bifida [25]. The rate of success at the one
year follow-up is 87%
, compared to the 85% for the first 20 cases reported.

Xiao CG. Reinnervation for neurogenic bladder: historic review and introduction of a somatic-autonomic reflex pathway procedure for patients with spinal cord injury or spina bifida. Eur Urol. 2006 Jan;49(1):22-8; discussion 28-9. Epub 2005 Nov 2.

[25] Xiao CG. A somatic-autonomic reflex pathway procedure for neurogenic bladder and bowel: results on 92 patients with SCI and 110 children with spina bifida. . In: Proceedings of the International Conference of Urology; Shanghai, July 2-4, Shanghai, China; 2005.




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