No, the point is you can't use mirror and a protection against high power laser.


送交者: steven 于 2010-07-27, 13:16:37:

回答: have I silenced you? this will be the 2nd time :0) 由 timliang 于 2010-07-27, 12:50:17:

the link you gave is a night vision sensor. Has nothing to do with megawatt laser as weapon.

The bottom line is you can't just shine the surface of a missile and expect it will reflect laser. As long as the incident of light on the interface are separated by different media, there will not be 100% reflection.

To counter the lost of energy, typical laser weapon are in megawatt range. Even if you can reflect 99% of the energy, the remain 1% which is gonna be in 10000 Watt, is enough to change the character of the reflection, and that will reduce the reflection rate, and causes more energy to be absorbed and further the damage.

If you think you are smarter than all the weapon designers and experts, you silenced me. But you better think again.



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