美国国家安全顾问会(National Safety Council)发表的死亡原因


送交者: WickershamBrothers 于 2010-11-24, 12:45:38:

Total Any Cause – 1 in 1 (100%)

Heart Disease – 1 in 6 (16.66 %)

Cancer – 1 in 7 (14.28 %)

Stroke – 1 in 28 (3.57 %)

Motor Vehicle Accidents – 1 in 85 (1.17 %)

Intentional Self Harm – 1 in 115 (0.86 %)

Accidental Poisoning By Exposure to Noxious Substances – 1 in 139 (0.71 %)

Falls – 1 in 184 (0.54 %)

Car Occupant – 1 in 272 (0.36%)

Assault by Firearm – 1 in 300 (0.33%)

Pedestrian – 1 in 623 (0.16 %)

Motorcycle Rider – 1 in 802 (0.12 %)

Accidental Drowning and Submersion – 1 in 1073 (0.093 %)

Exposure to Smoke, Fire and Flames – 1 in 1235 (0.080 %)

Pedal cyclist – 1 in 4,147 (0.024 %)

Air and Space Transport Accidents – 1 in 5,862 (0.017 %)

Firearms Discharge – 1 in 5,981 (0.016 %)

Exposure to Excessive Natural Heat – 1 in 6,174 (0.016 %)

Exposure to Electric Current, Radiation, Temperature and Pressure – 1 in 9,412 (0.010 %)

Cataclysmic Storm – 1 in 51,199 (0.0019 %)

Contact with Hornets, Wasps and Bees – 1 in 62,950 (0.00158 %)

Lightning – 1 in 81,701 (0.00122 %)

Bitten or Struck by Dog – 1 in 119,998 (0.00083 %)

Earthquake and Other Earth Movements – 1 in 153,597 (0.00065 %)



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