i think he could write a bit more


送交者: kma 于 2010-11-11, 18:16:24:

回答: 斑竹的《反式脂肪酸究竟有多可怕?》写得通俗易懂,好! 由 湘女 于 2010-11-11, 18:00:34:

in the final said people should take more cis fat, to laymen that's not clear enough. how about adding "vegetable oil and fish oil"?

and how to choose the msot suitable ones? as fang already said among plant oils there are still quite some difference on cis/trans ratios, which plant oil is the best choice? and for fish oil, there's also concern about heavy metal contamination.

finally, it's a good idea to tell chinese people to check BP frequently, say once a month? in some big cities, grocery stores are now pvoviding free BP checking like in america.



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