

送交者: 羽矢 于 2010-11-07, 10:11:58:

回答: 感觉公开信稿件太长、太杂,试着给砍了一些 由 eddie 于 2010-11-07, 09:12:25:


1998 abstract
Xiao CG., Godec, CJ., Du, MX., Dai, C., and Xiao, Q.,: A new procedure to restore bladder functions after SCI: Preliminary report on 14 patients. J.Urol. 159:304A, 1998

We have performed this procedure on 14 SCI patients since 1995 to try to restore controllable voiding....

Of 6 patient with hyperreflexic badder, 5 had successfull recovery of bladder function. They are able to void by initiating the skin-CNS-Bladder relex, which became functional from the 10th to 12th month postoperatively. Residual urine decreased from 300 ml to 31 ml in average, and no UTI occurred since the sixth month postsurgically. CMG study documented the changes of the bladder from hyperreflexia and high pressure to relatively normal.... Among 8 patients with areflexic bladder, 3 showed remarkable recovery and 1 had patial recovery.

2003 paper:
Xiao CG, Du M-X, Dai C et al: An artificial somaticcentral nervous system-autonomic reflex pathway for controllable micturition after spinal cord injury: preliminary results in 15 patients. J Urol 2003; 170: 1237.

A total of 15 male volunteers with hyperreflexic neurogenic bladder...

Of the 15 patients 10 (67%) regained satisfactory bladder control within 12 to 18 months after VR micro anastomosis. Average residual urine decreased from 332 to 31 ml and
urinary infection as well as overflow incontinence disappeared. Urodynamic studies revealed a change from detrusor hyperreflexia with DESD and high detrusor pressure to almost normal storage and synergic voiding without DESD.

After successful experiments in animals, clinical trial was started in 1995. We report results in the first 15 patients with SCI.




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