

送交者: 羽矢 于 2010-10-20, 08:46:54:

回答: 有没有肖传国第二个R01所支持的临床实验的相关资料? 由 limitations 于 2010-10-20, 06:14:47:


3. From 1999 to 2007, the NIH awarded Dr. Xiao more than 2.4 million dollars for the clinical trial in SCI at New York University (NYU) [8]. It was said that 40 SCI patients had been involved with an 80% response rate [9], but so far no official results have been released, except for a conference abstract [10] that reported two cases with much worse urodynamic results than Dr. Xiao’s first 15 SCI patients in China [4]. Nevertheless, NYU discontinued its clinical study after running out of the multi-million dollar funding after several years of extension.

2005. 2 SCI patients in New York University, abstract (AUA 2005)
Kelley C, et al. Creation of a somatic-autonomic reflex pathway for treatment of neurogenic bladder in patients with spinal cord injury: preliminary results of the first 2 USA Patients. J Urol 2005;173:1132A.

2006. Review
"Supported by grants from ... NIH (R01 DK44877 and R01 DK53063)"
Xiao CG: Rennervation for neurogenic bladder: historic review and introduction of a somatic-autonomic reflex pathway procedure for patients with spinal cord injury or spina bifida. Eur Urol 2006; 49: 22.


The National Institutes of Health sponsored a trial for 40 spinal-cord-injured patients at New York University in 2003. An 80 percent response rate was reported.

13 Patienten wurden bisher in den USA versorgt und wiesen eine deutlich schnellere Regeneration der Blasenfunktion von sechs Monaten auf, mit einer annahernd gleich bleibenden Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit von 80 Prozent.

English translation:
So far, 13 patients had been treated in the U.S. and it showed a noticeably fast recovery of bladder function from six months, with an almost the same constant 80% success rate (as Dr. Xiao previously reported).



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