the problem with colonialism is discrimination, the lack of equality,


送交者: 美女 于 2010-10-10, 12:25:14:

回答: 刘晓波2006关于三百年殖民地的表述 ZT 由 whiteshark 于 2010-10-10, 12:00:09:

and uneven distribution of power. Freedom is just a catch word, as in freedom fighter, often used to incite passion and induce sacrifice/violence, for goals noble or devious.

Liu does not know what he is talking about. He does not understand history, freedom, or the western thoughts he adores so much. His extreme statement can be a reasonable expression of frustration, if spoken by someone like Paris Hilton. But coming out of the mouth of a "public intellectual" it just becomes ridiculous. Liu is not a traitor. He is someone who does not what the hell he is talking about, just like JFF.



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