

送交者: HHS 于 2010-09-10, 14:34:27:

回答: 中国人上HOME SCHOOL的都是什么思维?交了这么多SCHOOL TAX不去上真是亏大了 由 HHS 于 2010-09-10, 14:16:20:



People's Republic of China
Status: Deemed illegal for citizens, but no restrictions for foreign students.
There are no accurate statistics on homeschooling in the People's Republic of China.[citation needed]

The Compulsory Education Law states that the community, schools and families shall safeguard the right to compulsory education of school-age children and adolescents. And, compulsory education is defined as attending a school, which is holding a schooling licence granted by the government. Therefore, homeschooling is deemed to be illegal. The Law does not apply to non-citizen children(i.e. those with foreign passports).[citation needed]

However, due to the large population of hundreds of millions of migration workers, alongside with their children, it rarely happens that the government inspects if a child is attending a licensed school or not. Thus, there usually is no punishment to parents who homeschool their children.[citation needed]

An organization called Shanghai Home-School Association was launched in September 2003.[50]



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